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The Morning emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You wake screaming and clawing at the sides and top of your small tent. The guards outside poke their heads, "Are you alright traveler? Shall I fetch the madam healer?" and in your confusion you nod yes. Every muscle in your body is flexing from the violent shock. It's only a moment later, and you've calmed by now, that the healer arrives. She comes into your tent; an elderly she-wolf. She immediately reaches a paw to your chest and you recoil, unsure of her. In response, she simply smile at you. "Relax Traveler, I'm only called healer because my paws are more deft than most others. I am only a humble physician. I assure you, you have nothing to fear from me." She says as she goes about checking your pulse and performing other rudimentary tasks. Once she's finished she comes again, "Now tell me, what awoke you to such a startle?"
You tell her that you had had a nightmare and she questions you, "Tell me about the dream. Please." As you go on describing the vivid scene to the best of your memory, her expression changes from a kindly smile to one of great concern. She calls to the guard to fetch the Alpha. In moments he too is in your tent. Now three of you go over the dream once more and the Alpha stands abruptly afterward. "Thank you traveler. You have given us a great sight. What you saw was not only a dream but a premonition. It is the vision of the great battle of legend. We must march as soon as the light has arisen. Will you join us?"


Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 14 June 2014

Both Armor

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