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In the morning emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Eventually the dreams come to an end and you wake up in your hut feeling refreshed. You get up and start wandering around the village at a relaxed pace, as you walk you occasionally wave and chat with those you know, while nodding to those you don't. After a while you get to the center of town and help some of the town's carpenters erect a pavilion for the elder's and the alpha to speak to everyone on. By the time it's done you're all sweating rather heavily and most of the day has gone by. You wave at them as you head off for the baths, where you've been spending an awful lot of time. You only spend a little bit of time in the bath's this time then you head back to the central area and watch as everyone files in and sits down watching the pavilion.

Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 22 April 2013

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