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The morning emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You wake up the next morning and stretch out then walk to your washtub and clean yourself off feeling better than yesterday. You walk over to your washbasin and wash yourself clean of the last few days then turn toward the door and stare as a wolf covered in soot, and dust stands there smirking at you. He tosses you a leather apron and says simply "Follow me to the forges Lass, we have work to do." You nod and follow him slowly wondering why they want you at the forges when you've yet to see a single female forge worker. As you follow him he starts talking about the different things you'll see at the forge then glances at you and asks "You know anything about metal?" You think about it for a while then shrug and make a motion that says a little.
He smirks and says softly "By the end of today you'll know a whole lot more lass."

Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 27 February 2013

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