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Dream emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You arrive at the center of the village around sundown and watch as they prepare yet another bonfire and mumble softly "Community is a very important thing for these people." You smile to yourself and sit down watching the bonfire then mumble "It's already been six days, almost an entire week. Eight more and I can finally go home." You grab some food and a think of water then head to your hut and sit down on your bed eating and drinking to your heart's content. When you finish you slip into a light doze occasionally waking up throughout the night to the sound of people walking past.
Eventually you slip into a deep sleep and end up dreaming of the same wolf from the night before, only this time he and you are just talking and your back to who you once were. You tell him about your many adventures and how you always sought to come back to this place in your true form. He laughs and shakes his head saying it's so different from how he remembers you. The two of you joke about the past then he tells you about how the village has changed since you left and you both laugh at how the younger ones have grown. You smile slightly and think back on your chance to be a mother then shake your head and laugh saying you much prefer being who you really are to who the wolves thought you were.

Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 23 February 2013

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