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Leatherworking emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You watch as one of the birds is separated from the flock and lead away from the clearing. The others don't seem to notice, nor does the bird seem to fight. The leatherworker who brought you here motions for you to follow him and the two of you slip along silently behind the bird and its handlers. After about twenty minutes of walking the bird's handlers stop it in a clearing and motion for it to lie down. The bird does as they direct then one of the wolves lays a bag over its head covering its eyes and blocking out all sound. Another of the handlers picks up a large axe and brings it down severing the birds head at the top of its neck quickly and painlessly. You watch as they slowly take a sword and cut down the bird's neck and back removing the top most layer of skin. It peels away easily and has the exact same consistency as soft leather. The handlers carry it off and you stare at what was underneath. Underneath was a layer of soft downy feathers that look just like fur.


You glance at the one who brought you here and he motions for you to follow him as he follows the handler's to yet another clearing where a vat containing a strange resin looking liquid that smells of tar sits. One of the men takes a pair of metal tongs and slowly lowers the leather into the resin. The moment the leather hit the resin it started to harden into rough strengthened leather that was still malleable. You blink as one of them takes it and slips it on then they heat the seam of it and it molds around him perfectly. You stare at it a while then the leatherworker next to you whispers softly "It's not done yet, he's just getting it to follow the basic form of a wolf. After that he can cause it to expand or shrink with a few chemical baths."


You nod in understanding then he guides you to yet another clearing full of eggs and smaller versions of the birds from the earlier clearing. He walks over to one of the young birds and starts stroking its cheek causing it to let out a soft croon of pleasure. You smile and gently scratch its other cheek causing the thing to lie down and croon even louder attracting the attention of the others in the area. You turn and scratch another one's cheek as a young boy walks up and guides them away whistling softly and whirling a staff above his head. The birds follow him gladly and the leatherworker leads you over to where the eggs are and goes into detail about how they have to be taken care of. He also explains the mating rituals of the bird then finishes with a simple "So basically, to become a leatherworker means to also become a shepherd." You smile slightly at that and ask a few more key questions then the two of you start back to the village.

Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 19 February 2013

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