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A flock emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

After about fifteen to twenty minutes of walking you arrive at a clearing full of animals that almost look like cows from your home. However there are a few key differences, the first of which is their fur color is a deep dark emerald. The second is that their faces don't look anything like a cow's they look a bit more like a birds. The third and most important is that where most cows would only be as tall as a human's chest, these birds tower over the wolves who were watching over them. Also where cows would have charged at their handlers, the birds seemed to rely on their handlers for everything short of feeding themselves. They also seemed a lot smarter than cows, never trying to move past a certain section they were allowed in, or rushing at something they knew they couldn't damage.

Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 04 February 2013

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