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"I never want to see them again," you reply, and your statement is a half-lie. "And—I won't hurt them. Just, j-just keep them out of my sight until I leave."


The male thinks for a moment, then releases you, saying, "Very well. They're going to need milk for a few—"


"Don't even think about putting the damn necklace on me!" you snarl, and there is murder in your eyes. "If you need sphinx milk so badly, why don't you wear it yourself!?"


"That would not…" he begins, trailing off almost instantly. "Or… would it?" He retrieves that goddamn necklace from a convenient table; before you can react, he puts it on—himself. And in a very short time, the necklace's magic does its work; where was once a male sphinxtaur, now stands an armless female sphinx.


"Well that worked. But how do I remove it?"


"Not my problem," you reply. "Don't you have servants to do little things for you?"


"Good point. I haven't seen them all day."


"I repeat: Not. My. Problem."


"Can you help me find them?" he says kind of pleading "or at least remove it from me"

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 30 November 2010

Female Use the tail to tentacle

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