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"You helped make the Bast-forsaken necklace!?" you shout, with much more force than you intended.


After a short pause, he replies: "No, I was not a member of that project. They kept me informed on its progress, for reasons which should be obvious, but I had nothing to do with the design or creation of that necklace.&quote; You say nothing; he continues, &quote;Like many other things, the project was, hm, interrupted when the drought spread to cover the entire world. I'd always wondered if the necklace had any design flaws the wizards hadn't managed to fix before they all went away…"


"Well, it does," you snarl. "The, th-the amplifi-fied maternal instincts? They damn near brainwashed me! I-if I'd w-w-worn it much longer, I'm n-n-not sure I'd have been able to even think of doing anything except p-p-pumping out m-more and more cubs, litter after litter after litter, for the rest of my entire l-l-life!"


"Yeah, like I said , it was a work in progress."


You say nothing. After all, what is there to say? So you just stand there, held in the male's strong arms…


A cold feeling flows down your spine. "Please let go of me."


"If I do that, you must stay away from the cubs."

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 29 November 2010

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