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"We are, collectively," star star star emptystar emptystar

<br/>"We are, collectively," you say, and the words feel so very right. "I will investigate this peculiar magic further. Until such time as I determine the answers you seek, I would recommend that you follow my advice, and exploit the alterations in your people. Speak of it not as a crippling ailment; rather, refer to it as an opportunity for only the elite among you. Get your people to regard these marks as positive advantages—say that it is the best or most blessed among you who become fully water-adapted. Your only alternative is for people to regard your village as a monstrosity-ridden hellhole, and what's to become of your prosperity then?" <br/> <br/>"Well... thank you for looking into it." <br/> <br/>"Of course," you reply. It annoys you that he has stopped calling you 'great one'... but you have more important matters to deal with than some foolish human's disrespect. "And now I must go." And with those words, you trot away from this village, picking up speed until you're aloft and once again flying towards your destination. <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 23 October 2010

Female Human Hang Gliders

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