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"I would suggest you exploit it" star star star halfstar emptystar

<br/>You give the human a skewed look. "I would suggest you exploit it. Your people are clearly being adapted to live in and around water, so I recommend that you hire them out for aquatic tasks. The money they shall thereby earn will go a long way towards making their condition acceptable to normal humans." <br/> <br/>"But there is not any open water within a month travel" <br/> <br/>"What of it? My first interview was clearly on their way to becoming a fish; my third, an otter. They will need increasing amounts of wetness, the fish in particular, in order to maintain their health." <br/> <br/>"How do we get there? And can't you stop it?" <br/> <br/>"While I have identified the particular magic which is responsible for these transmutations, I do not know their source. As to how you get there, I presume it would be the same way as you'd travel any other similar distance. At present, there is nothing I can do to erase the marks on your people; all I can do is advise you how best to accommodate this uncomfortable fact. Your people are becoming aquatic creatures—that is a fact. How you choose to respond to that fact is your own business; all I can do is advise you on the wisest course of action." <br/> <br/>"I though sphinxes were suppose to be all knowing" <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 23 October 2010

Female "We are, collectively,"

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