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Clean and freak out star star star emptystar emptystar

You land next to the temple. Now that you are no longer hungry you are starting to freak out about killing the deer and thinking of taking the care of the humans. And you ate the deer raw... somehow, thinking of your latest meal as 'deer sushi' just doesn't help settle your nerves any. You go inside the temple and look for a bathroom. It's obviously meant for you to live in, right? So it's got to have some place to wash blood off. Unless whoever's in charge of the craziness thinks sphinxes like the aroma and feel of blood in their fur...


While you attempt (without success) to avoid thinking about... terrible things, your four paws lead you to a chamber whose floor is half taken up by a nicely deep pool of water. There is a 2-meter-wide mirror that stretches from floor to ceiling; you look in it, and don't recognise yourself. Not just because of the sphinx bits; no, even your remaining human bits are different from what you remember. The olive skin and black hair are fairly attractive, to be sure... but the face you see is the face of a stranger! You wish you could be surprised to see yourself covered in the deer's blood. With a convulsive twitch, you tear yourself away from that appalling image and hurl yourself into the pool for a very thorough washing-up.


The water feels good against your skin... and hide... so you do your best to just enjoy the sensation, and not think about any part of the massive weirdness you've been drenched in today. As you scrub down your thoughts turn to the troubling things of the hieroglyphics reading, the hunting, the blood and your thought about the humans and you start freaking out.


You scrub and scrub and only stop when you yelp and see your own blood flowing from your hide. You look on the brush and see pieces of your hide hanging from it.

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 04 September 2010

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