The hunt
You put the thing over your back... or should that be "backs", since you've just added a lion-like back to your human back? ... anyway, you drape it over yourself and start on the frontmost buckles. Happily, you find that your waist—the bit where your human torso meets the lion neck and shoulders—is very flexible, so much so that you have no trouble reaching down to fasten the buckles at your flanks. Sides? No, 'flanks' is probably the better word, now. Anyway, you get the sides buckled, and swivel your human torso 180 degrees to get a good look at your backside. You wonder how you'll be able to get the very hindmost buckles... and then you see the hindmost straps and buckles fasten themselves, as if by magic. You blink in surprise for a moment, before another piece of that weird, implanted 'instinctual' knowledge comes to mind: You have the power of mind over matter, telekinesis. Of course, you think; I'm a flying creature now. But my wings just aren't big enough to carry my weight without some sort of extra 'oomph'—and I guess that means telekinesis. You're not sure how far you can trust this 'instinct', but it surely feels right, doesn't it?
Your ruminations are interrupted by another, more insistent, tummy-rumble. And now you know what you're wearing, and why your instincts chose it: It's a hunting outfit, and the blue color is for camouflage against the open sky! You go outside and take flight to look for prey.
As you fly up you see the walking path that spirals around the mountain. Looking at it you are glad for your new wings. If you had to walk down you belive it would take you 1 maybe even 2 days and you could slip and fall. You dive down going faster and faster and pull out just above the ground, adrenaline racing.
You take off and keep a look out for your prey. You spot a deer and your instincts take over; you dive down, grabbing its head in your forepaws and catching its flanks with your hindpaws, and its neck breaks instantly with a smooth jerking motion as you rise. You start eating when you notice a bunch of humans coming toward you with nets. you take off quickly carrying your prize.
The humans throw a bunch of spears but you quickly fly up out of range. You then head back towards the temple. "I guess it is home for now" you think "I'll have to do something about those pesky humans though. Wait where did THAT thought come from."
Written by Catprog & Cubist on 03 September 2010