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You look at the last block you make, then as soon as the male is out of earshot, whinney and toss it across the barn, kicking up dust as it tumbles on the ground. Damn this. Damn this illusion. You'll have to find something else, or maybe it was the constant comments and interventions that annoyed you.


You need to change you mind, you think to yourself as you pass a hand up your mane and over your muzzle, grunting as you feel the form of the latter. Darkness has fallen as you sit despondantly on the pile of broken stone, the pale light of the moon just illuminating a familiar form you can't help but smile at the sight of.




"I'm right here. Look at all my nice work! I swear this is like breaking rocks in a gulag, I'll never get it."


"Ask me how many times I pricked my fingers today" Replies Katie as he rubs his hands together, then holds one out for you to take. "Care to get out of here?"


"Let's do like a rock and blow this joint. You live far away?"


"Just a few blocks" He replies as your fingers lace.


"And Katie?"


"You're a male. Stop swaying your hips when you walk." You say as both of you break into a laugh, the first honest one you've had in a while.

Written by Craven on 30 May 2010

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