
In a room
The sign reads
"Welcome all new travellers.
To continue you must go through a series of doors.
After going through you will pick a costume. You will then become a half- human and half that creature.
After a week(100 mins a hour,20 hrs a day,10 days a week) has passed you may morph and get another costume. To start of with you will only be able to become 40% human to 60% human.
If you put on a costume you will then become that creature, be teleported to it's home town and have to wait a week before being able to morph.
After 50 costumes you may change into one of your other costumes and become 30% to 70% human. When changing costumes you must wait at least an hour before you can change costumes again.
100 different species/gender costumes allows you to gender-morph and become 20% to 80% human
200 different species costumes allows you to combine costumes and become 10% to 90% human
400 different species costumes allows you to return to your world with no more morphing
And 800 different species costumes makes a polymorph and allows you to morph outside of this world.
Also if you have a costume like a centaur then the human part will always be human and is counted towards the human percentage.
Any gender/species transformation magic of yours can only change your gender(if you have at least 100 costumes) and the animal part to a different animal.
When you change into a different costume (that you already have) you may teleport to that species home town but you will have the week penalty where you have no costume changes.
If you die while wearing a costume you will be reborn at the local inn (or appropriate location ). If you have more then 100 costumes you will lose the costume you had when you died and go to an appropriate place for your next costume.
If you fail to make it out in 100 years(100 weeks in a year) one of your possible forms will be chosen and you will be permanently stuck in that form(apart from magic) until you die. Also there will be no possibility of going back to your world.
Also, one final note: should you take a female form and become pregnant, you won't be able to change your gender until the child is born, though the other aspects of your form may change (the child will change to match.) That is all, and good luck!
You realise that you have to do what the sign said to do and go through the doors and grab a costume.
Alternatively you could use the key system to determine the room
Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004
Air Creatures
You find yourself in what appears to be a glass room suspended high in the sky.
The stairs are blocked by a force field.
You realise you have to go through one of the three sky blue doors numbed 1,2 & 3.
What door do you want?
Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004
Myth Air
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are two more doors however and both of them have a sign on them saying
Costume room for
Element: Air
Type: Myth
Gender: ????
So which door do you want
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
Female Myth Air
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are five costumes in this room, all of them female, all of them are myth air creatures.
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
Wings and Hooves 'N Stuff
The room is painted with a rocky, craggy path seemingly leading off around a corner of dark and jagged stone, but it is an illusion; you touch the wall with your hands when you try to follow. It's cold, here; snow falls from the very ceiling; not flakes of ice that a man-made machine would spit out, but crystalline flakes. Suddenly, it occurs to you that this whole insane scenario might be far more real than it seemed when you arrived.
Re-viewing the little golden female symbol above the door, you scowl. Who cares that much about gender, other than fetishists? Then you think, maybe this place was *built* by fetishists, and you shudder in dread.
You pick up the costumes and riffle through the pieces. Which one? Why? And did they really mean you'd have to be a girl? Ugh... Finally, you opt for a silky white fursuit with a pair of stuffed, gold spray-painted wings on the back.
You zip up the cold zipper. The suit comes up to your neck, so from the neck up you're human- GREAT SCOT! The suit latches to your flesh and squeezes! Your hooves pop out and clatter upon the ground as your new hairy tail follows suit, swatting snow out of the air like sub-zero flies! Heat on your neck marks the crawling advance of the suit as your ears stiffen and migrate, and your face cracks and snaps out into a wide-nostriled mare's!
"REE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!" You whinny! Wings erupt from your back like violent petals. In the snow, you shake your flanks off as the world goes slowly white...
The white clears, revealing an idyllic meadow leading to a green mountainside. Up on a hill some five miles hence, a Greek-style temple is perched. So, what... is this Ancient Greece?
Modern Greece? Fictional Greece? Is it Greece at all? Staggering around on your two hooves, flexing your "hands" idly, you realize that in this hodgepodge of madness you've landed in, you'll have to make a strong decision to make heads or hooves of it.
Written by Mr.Peaches on 31 May 2007
Did anyone see that..?
You stumble anxiously to a dark alley between short-standing buildings, in what seems like a busy market. Hopefully no one saw you, you need time to understand just what happened, before anyone else decides that for you. Nothing like an antique witchhunt to ruin a day...
You look around nervously, steadying yourself on your hooves, flexing them with greater and greater familiarity, finding yourself more comfortable with this new form than you'd have guessed... Sleek, sharp, and your build, well, let's say you'd have given a pretty penny to have. Still probably would now if it didn't come with such a price as you're paying now.
You see the local temple in the distance, but such a public place will probably have you discovered in no time. Further into the markets, you think you can make out water. A port? At least maybe there, amongst cargo and vast yards, you could find a place to hide. Maybe even find others the world who've come into the same fate as you.
For now, you wait until no prying eyes are upon your alley to grab a tunic and toga from a trader's display. If the hooves and fur aren't enough, being without a thread on your back is awkwards...
Written by Craven on 29 May 2010
You get caught
You feel a hand on your shoulder.
"What are you doing?"
"Um." you turn too see a large pegasus. "I was a human and then I changed into this and have no idea what to do now."
"Ah. Your a newcomer. Follow me and we will get you orientated. Just don't try stealing anything again. Put it back by the way "
You put the clothes back and he starts walking.
"We will get you a job and a home. By the way were you male or female to start off with?"
Written by on 29 May 2010
The welcome speech
"Male" you answer sharply. "Not that it matters anymore at this point. You?"
"You'll get your answers soon enough. Just know that there's a way to follow around here if you don't want to end up in trouble. That little theft? Your head. Get mouthy with the wrong person? Dungeons. Keep you head down and stay with us, and you might just make it for the long run."
"That's all well and good, but why can't you just tell me..."
"Remember what I said about getting mouthy?"
You give a huff of breath through your large nostrils and narrow your eyes at your 'guide'. Hopefully his intentions were really in your interests.
Written by Craven on 29 May 2010
You arrive
You follow him into a building. You notice a saying Police. He goes up to the desk and tells you to wait on the bench.
He goes into a room and after a while a female comes out and leads you into another room.
"Don't mind him, he is a little grumpy. He is a costume person like you. He has been in this world about 2 years now. He can't find another costume too go on to the next world. Myself I am a native. Anyway I hear you were male before coming into the verse. Welcome to our little corner" she says holding out a hand.
Written by catprog on 29 May 2010
Hellooooo officer...
"Charmed" You reply as you take the female's hand and try to give it a peck, though from her expression you wonder if she understand the gesture. "So... is this the part where you tell me I have the right to remain silent or face your wrathful doom and gloom?"
"Not at all! Actually, I'm here to make sure you know where you are and what to really expect, not the horror story that you heard. We're not out to get you."
You sit on and listen, your eyes inadvertantly wandering on the officer as she talks until a curt comment about how what you're thinking is only rumored to happen at the Vespal temple.
"Sorry, I'm still... adjusting. So, where to?"
"Your new quarters. Pardon the quality of the accomodations, but we didn't know another one of you was coming"
Written by Craven on 29 May 2010
"Another one?"
"Another one?" you ask.
"Yeah a female got a male costume" she replies "I'll introduce you if you like when your settled in."
She then steps up "follow me".
Soon you arrive at what looks like a barn. "yeah it looks bad but like I said we do not have a building ready for you. I am sure the construction team would find a job for you if you want to help them build your house "
Written by catprog on 29 May 2010
Not just a roll in the hay
"Classy" You mutter as you look around. "Give me a bearded man for a husband and a kid, a few more centuries, and I'm all set. So am I sharing this luxurious hotel with anyone, or am I twenty bales of hay richer than I was when i got here?"
"If you want to get anywhere here, you'd better put that attitude to better use. There's a chisel and a hammer there. If you want better than here, learn to use them. I don't know what you were before you put on that suit, but whether you were a prince or a pauper, we've got you an apprenticeship as a stonecutter."
"I always wanted to be a rock star..."
"Never mind"
Written by Craven on 29 May 2010
You nod "So who am I going to learn from?".
A wind blows through and ruffles your feathers "Oh and can I get some flying lessons at some stage?"
She looks at you and laughs "Oh I forgot that part. It has been a while since I have had to guide a newcomer. Before you ask the other one has his own guide. What's your name by the way?"
Written by catprog on 29 May 2010
Mother of God...
You look around for a moment, then reply with a smirk "Theotokos will do. Now, if you'll give me a moment, me and the hammer have to get introduced."
Picking up the chisel and round hammer, you tinker with a block of shale while your guide looks on, giving an occasional well-meaning if not blatantly obvious hint as to the technique to be using. After a few minutes, you can feel your muscles tightening up, not quite used to the repetitive, harsh impact of menial labor. At least you'll keep your figure, you think to yourself until the silence is broken by a liquid voice, masculine in its undertones.
"You must be the other suit who arrived this day!"
"And there's someone in the suit too, his... her name's..."
You pause as you look at the new arrival, a tall, handsome black male, built like a god and as sharp-featured as a work of art.
"...something. Is there anybody under that six-pack?"
Written by Craven on 29 May 2010
"Katie, yes I still am using my human name." he replies "Weird isn't it, these transformations."
"Yeah. I wonder what everyone is thinking at home. they will be worried when I go missing"
"Yeah" he says as his ears droop "Still the only way out is too play this crazy game" and you nod sadly in agreement
Written by catprog on 29 May 2010
Ask a stupid question...
"But... what do we win? Do you know?" Katie asks, the male's eyes suddenly changing from bold strength to a softer gaze. "You're the only other recent suit I've seen in a while, the others... I don't think they remember."
"Win? We only get back what these suits took from us. Our lives. You did the same thing I did, you got too close to one. It made you put it on, and now here you are, just like me. Now, I don't know about you, but the faster we get to the next suit and keep playing towards where ever this is going, the happier I'll be. I'm supposed to be a stonecutter. You?"
"A tailor. I've never sewn before. Hey..."
"Do you think we could stick together for a while? I don't know what they have planned for us beyond work and a new life... it's good to have someone else who can understand."
You smile at the corner of your muzzle. "Welcome to the club, you're already wearing the uniform."
Written by Craven on 30 May 2010
House Comparisons?
"In a way you are a bit luckier then me. You get to customise your house if you want" he says.
"I suppose so" you begin "But I don't know what this body needs. I could come up with something that wouldn't work"
He smiles "You could always come to my place for dinner and a look at what my house is like"
You look at him "Like a date?"
He grins "If you like."
Written by catprog on 30 May 2010
"Socializing already, Theotokos? Hello Katie. I think your mentor was looking for you and those tunics she asked."
You turn and look at your first acquiantance when you arrived, the dominant male who'd stopped your theft. Katie turns and nods to you with a gesture indicating that he'll come find you afterwards. You nod and turn to your old... friend... and cock your head in question.
"Checking up on me?"
"You've been... difficult to welcome here. Usually more people come here rather open to help and don't mind fitting into the new life they find. You don't seem to understand what's happening to you."
"Oh, but I do, I do." you reply as you sit down on rough stool. "This is another prison cell I've been transferred to until I can leave this cycle. Well, I think I can leave it anyways. You're my warden, making sure that I behave."
"That's... putting it dryly."
"Like you said, I'm difficult."
"You are, yes you are. I'll make you a deal. You try to relax a bit and maybe your next suit'll come sooner than usual. Deal?"
"So I get parole for good behavior." You grin grimly. "All right, you've got yourself a deal."
"Excellent. If you're going to spend more time with Katie, it might be good for both of you. Couples tend to encourage each other if all goes well. But on the other hand, don't bring her down, eh? She's been a good sport up to now. It would be a shame for your frustration to rub off on her. Now, guess what? I'll personally be showing you how to put that chisel to worthy employ."
Written by Craven on 30 May 2010
You try you best to carve the stone but your not used to your body.
Soon you have a pile of stone that are not square and finally the male gives up for the day and tells you to try again later.
He leaves shaking his head.
You rub your aching upper arms. So do you stay or go look for Katie?
Written by catprog on 30 May 2010
You look at the last block you make, then as soon as the male is out of earshot, whinney and toss it across the barn, kicking up dust as it tumbles on the ground. Damn this. Damn this illusion. You'll have to find something else, or maybe it was the constant comments and interventions that annoyed you.
You need to change you mind, you think to yourself as you pass a hand up your mane and over your muzzle, grunting as you feel the form of the latter. Darkness has fallen as you sit despondantly on the pile of broken stone, the pale light of the moon just illuminating a familiar form you can't help but smile at the sight of.
"I'm right here. Look at all my nice work! I swear this is like breaking rocks in a gulag, I'll never get it."
"Ask me how many times I pricked my fingers today" Replies Katie as he rubs his hands together, then holds one out for you to take. "Care to get out of here?"
"Let's do like a rock and blow this joint. You live far away?"
"Just a few blocks" He replies as your fingers lace.
"And Katie?"
"You're a male. Stop swaying your hips when you walk." You say as both of you break into a laugh, the first honest one you've had in a while.
Written by Craven on 30 May 2010