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Ask about the tomb emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You figured that if it was his domain- his tomb. Maybe he could help you with your mission. With a quick huff of your chest, you cleared your throat and stood up tall and proud to ask your question.
“You say this is your domain?” You asked him. “Does that mean… This is your tomb?” You continued, taking your time, to entice him even more. “What is the purpose of this intricate technology?” He spread his wings wide and gave you a reply.
“Yes!” He cried out, the booming sound of his voice echoing through the endless empty void you both stood in. “I was once the ruler of this land, and as my final resting place, I wanted nothing more but to be able to bring my people a sustainable future.” Your eyes widened with surprise. This must have had something to do with how technologically advanced the structure was. Maybe it was some kind of generator? Your mind was racing, you only wanted to learn more.
“And how were you intending on doing something like that?” you asked him. At this point you could tell the dream was slowly slipping away from you. You wondered if you were overstepping your boundaries, or even if any of this was significant to you and your mission. After all, this could all just be some kind of fever dream from the exhaustion you had experienced prior.
“I will not simply give away my secrets to a stranger.” You could feel your eyes flickering around in your head as your REM state started to slowly waver.
“What can I offer to you?” Your next instinct was to humble yourself, especially so in the presence of such a supposedly powerful entity.
“You can give up a part of yourself...” His voice started to fade, your deep sleep had finally begun to lighten as the time passed. To you, it only felt like a few minutes, but in reality several hours had gone by.
Your eyes flash awake. You found yourself back in the room you had fallen asleep in. Everything was a haze to you but soon you had finally found your bearings as you returned to the waking world.

Written by Drifting Dragon on 22 January 2022

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