Deep sleep. You trust them too
Before you even had the chance to think about what was going on, you started falling into a deep sleep. You could hear yourself snoring but could do nothing about it as you continued to lose control of your body from how tired you were. It felt good to be able to let your mind wander as your mind slowly started getting the rest you had long-since needed.
Still, it seemed like you couldn’t get any kind of break. That night you had some particularly interesting and vivid dreams. It all felt like real life the way you could sense everything, remember every detail, and vividly interact with the environment around you. For a moment, you wondered if you were experiencing another one of the pyramid’s crazy mind tricks. Fear started to grip at your stomach as you stood in a bright lit up room by yourself.
Suddenly, a completely unfamiliar voice started ringing out all around you. Something about the voice sounded calming, as if it didn’t mean you any harm, still, you were completely taken aback by the mysterious sounds coming from all around you.
“Okay. Now I know it’s a dream.” You thought to yourself before hearing the voice subtly rise to a crescendo.
“You are quite perceptive.” Suddenly, you felt a presence around you. Warmth stared cascading around you as if you had been dumped into some kind of saunah. Tingling resonated all throughout your spine and you could feel your hair standing up on the back of your neck like electricity racing through your flesh. It all came from behind you- the mysterious presence was standing only a few meters behind; its power was so divine that you could barely stop yourself from turning around as soon as you felt the air thicken so much that you thought that you were being touched on your shoulders.
When you turned around, you didn’t see anything but the voice echoing through the void seemed to remain. “Fear not warrior.” The voice echoed before another mysterious flash blinded you for a moment. Now, you could actually see where the source was coming from.
“What the- Who are you?” Before you, stood another powerful figure- a sphynx, just like yourself. “Oh my!” You exclaimed at the creature. He was the same kind of sphynx as you, a lion’s body with big, powerful, broad wings, and a human’s face. His features were very similar to yours, but something about them were slightly different. It was as if you were looking at a warped mirror; some kind of portal into another version of yourself.
“Please, do not fear me.” he continued. Still, you couldn’t help but be slightly afraid from the visions you were having. You could feel your body sweating as if you were having some kind of waking fever dream. In that moment, you wondered if you really were awake, or if this was all just a dream. “You are a brave soul.” He encouraged you before putting a hand on your shoulder.
After that, you were looking down at yourself and the platoon like you were having an out of body experience. “Do you see that?” He asked you before you took a moment to scan the environment.
“See what?” You asked.
“This is my domain.” He replied.
Written by Drifting Dragon on 21 January 2022