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History emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As you scanned through the books lining your castle’s opulent shelves, you stopped at the first and most interesting book you can find. ‘History’ was written on the cover in large text.
“Guess this is what interests people.” you stared at the painted cover as it was filled with figures, countries, and flags overlapping in varied opacities. You weren’t able to recognize any of the individuals listed on the cover, or even in the table of context as you began to scan the words lining the pages. Time seemed to fly by as you learned about lifetime's worth of knowledge; you pondered to yourself how nobody could have known the impact of their actions. Your stomach began to feel heavy as you read through pages of destruction and war.
You had learned many battle tactics, as well as soft-power skills, readying you for your own space in history itself. Something about the level of manipulation you had exposed yourself to began to make your head spin as your mind grew exponentially as you sat there quietly with your muzzle between the pages. What will you do?

Written by Driftingdragon on 03 May 2020

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