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Go to library emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The looming presence of what could have been beyond those doors stuck with you, it caused you to want to know what was behind it, your curiosity got the best of you. In the middle of one of your family lectures you decided to wander off into the library of the gigantic palace. Needless to say the amount of books contained in overwhelmed you quite a bit, as you were consumed by the mouth of the room, walking past the archway.


Your eyes could barely focus on the numerous books lining the walls of the library, their various colors were a blur, as they lined up all the way to the ceiling. Tracks folded themselves around the tops of the shelves, where the towering ladders sat firmly. The books were organized by genre. Which will you choose?

Written by Driftingdragon on 29 March 2020

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