The room in which you are locked is bland and unremarkable, save for a few scratch marks on the mostly-white walls. The floor is like a mirror image of the walls, forcing you to question where the corners in the room end and begin. There is no furniture in the room; there is nothing but a doorless closet, which you can only discern from the shadows it casts on the off-white flooring. As you approach the closet, it becomes apparent that there are five clothing articles hanging in it. Sliding your hands between two of the costumes in the closet, you thumb the material of a werewolf suit.
The material is soft and fluffy, though slightly matted from poor care. You wonder who may have - at some time before you - worn this suit, and what may have become of them. For an inexplicable reason, this costume intrigues you more than the others. It overwhelms you with a feeling of mystique, and before you know it, you are removing it from the hanger and sliding your legs into its base.
As you dress yourself in the costume, you try to think back to the sign you read only moments before being shut into the strange room. In order to continue, you must pick a costume. In essence, you will take on the character of the costume, though you will retain a part of your humanity. Could this be true? Could merely putting on another creatures' robe change who you are? Though you are uncertain, you doubt that the sign refers to a literal change in form. After all - you've always been human. How could you become anything else?
Just after you have pulled the werewolf costume up from your ankles to your shoulders, you notice a mirror inside of the closet, replacing the empty space where the werewolf costume used to hang. You walk over to the mirror and chuckle at the sight of yourself, standing in a long, grey-furred coat. You turn to the side to admire the tail sewn onto your costume, and you waggle your hips for the added humor. You finally lift the costume draping around your shoulders until it fits snugly around your head. To your surprise, you are able to see easily through the costume's lens. You have now taken on the form of a creature long feared and revered, and you begin to wonder if this costume once held another life within it. After all, the skin seems rather real. And the fur? It smells faintly of mildew and earth, as if someone had rolled around in nature's own musk and returned the costume to the room. And what are those claw marks on the walls?
You suddenly feel the overwhelming urge to leave this room, which has begun to feel as if it is shrinking. In a panic, you attempt to kick through the handleless door, only to be thrown off balance in an awkward wobble. You examine the paws of your werewolf suit, hoping to determine the state of "your" claws. To your surprise, they appear to be freshly sharpened, though a bit dirtied. If your feet are not going to work, then perhaps it was time to start using the strange costume to your advantage. You claw at the door until you can see through to the other side. Assuming that the costume has served its purpose, you tug at the head piece, attempting to slide it down your neck. However, it does not appear to be coming off very easily. It almost feels as though it is a part of you now; that it may always have been. Suddenly, the musky odor no longer bothers you. You have the strong urge to run through the night.
Written by wesleydog on 07 July 2019
The end (for now)