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Store emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

But you still have enough sense in your mind to keep running, and to grab the first door handle that you can find and wrench it open.


This is a different store than the mall that you were in before, a smaller boutique that you might have found charming before. The store owner gives you a shocked expression, and you quickly turn around behind you and slam the lock on the door closed.


"Hey, you can't do that!" You're lucky that the owner is a female, and even though you would hope that she might give you some sympathy, you can see that you'll find none of that with the little pug that is staring at you like you're committing a crime.


"Please, I just..." You're out of breath, but you know that it isn't from your run. It's a mixture of adrenaline, and of your body fighting its own natural inclination. This frame that isn't your own... these instincts that are threatening to tear down your senses; now, you've gotten yourself into a situation where you might be even more screwed. You don't see a way out of the little store, and the pug is already coming from behind the counter with her hands on her hips.


Behind you, you feel the glass pane shudder a bit as the mastiff tries to rattle the door open. His eyes are all for you, and you quickly let go of the door and back up. Maybe there's a window some where, or a bathroom that you can get out of. Maybe there's a back entrance. You take off at a run again, and the pug gives you a filthy glare before going to the door, presumably to let the males in.


You don't have much time at all.


You dart to the back of the store, shoving through racks of older clothing without paying much attention to it. Your eyes meet with a sign that says STORAGE, and you know that it's your only hope. There aren't any other windows.


There aren't any other chances for escape.

Written by Karlyene on 29 June 2018

The end (for now)

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