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"I don't think so, boys." You mutter the words aloud, but your voice is a low whine. Still, even though they look at you with confusion, they take a moment to growl at once another as you dart off again, in the opposite direction of your motel, but at least it's also in the opposite direction of the two male dogs who are chasing you.


Sometime during your little sprint to freedom, another male joins the fray; this one is a spaniel, and you know that if it comes down to it, the other two will shred him apart. It might have been a relief, if it weren't for the fact that those two males who were going to do the shredding also wanted to be with you.


It didn't bring you relief that your body is pounding and beating, and a small part of you wants to fall short so they can catch you; no, that just makes you redouble your efforts.


You can hear them behind you now -- the pattering of their claws on the ground is enough to make your heart thunder all the quicker with the knowledge that you're fighting biology. You aren't sure how much longer you're going to be able to resist in and of yourself, and you aren't sure if running is going to continue to be a viable option if you end up giving in to your instincts.


You are one hundred percent certain that the last thing that you want to do is to experience what knotting feels like. There are four males behind you now, and you can hear the panting of their tongues lolling out of their mouth, you can hear the whuffing of their noses as they scent your own lust in the air. You can smell it yourself, your desire riding hot and high... but you aren't going to give into it -- you aren't that far gone yet. Your vagina is hot, your entire body warm and wet and wanting...

Written by Karlyene on 28 June 2018

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