It's Time
The days melt into one another, and you find that you're starting to get used to this form, and starting to feel like it's something that you could continue to get used to. Still, you don't want to get stuck like this, and you know that you're going to have to look for the new costume soon. The simple fact of the matter is, you aren't sure exactly where you're supposed to be looking, and it isn't exactly intuitive. Instead, you decide to simply explore the town that you're in a little bit more; it's something that you've been avoiding, with the way that the male dogs have been chasing at your heels.
It's something that you've been avoiding, because whether you want to admit or not... you can feel a curling heat beginning to build in your midsection, and you have a feeling that it isn't something that you really want to happen at all. When a few spots of blood come away after you use the bathroom, you find yourself completely and utterly nervous about going out... but you have to.
As much as you've enjoyed your time as a canine, you don't want to stay this way forever, after all.
So, you go out early in the morning. You've noticed that there aren't half so many of your fellow anthromorphs out when the sun has just risen. Sure, there are some early joggers, but half of those are female... and you don't think that the other half will give you as much trouble as you're worried about. At least, you hope that you're right in this particular instance.
At first, things seem all right. You work your way down the street, hitting the department stores that are open in the early hours. Though you look around, you see nothing that is similar to the costume that you put on initially, and nothing that will point you in the direction of where you need to go. Wandering idly is still your best bet, and it's when you leave the mall that you notice it.
There's a male dog following you -- worse, he's a damn mastiff, who has both height and weight on you. You are one hundred percent certain that you wouldn't be able to fight him off, if it came down to it. You're also one hundred percent certain that you aren't being paranoid. His nose turns to the air and sniffs, and then you see his eyes focus rapt on you. What the little Australian Shepherd said to you earlier comes back to you now -- it's instinct, and everyone was expected to follow it.
Your mind is still human enough that you decide that you don't need to deal with this. You take off at a run, zigging to the direction of your motel; maybe you'll just worry about finding the costume later, once things have settled down.
Things aren't that easy though, because when you shift to turn down an alley so you can lose the mastiff, another German shepherd appears in front of you. He's much taller than you are, his chest broader, and his coat a sleek and gorgeous black. The fact that you're noticing just how well shaped he is, and for a moment your mind drifts to what pretty pups he'd give you startles you. It brings you up short and makes you stop running... and just those few moments are enough for the mastiff to nearly catch up to you.
Written by Karlyene on 27 June 2018
The end (for now)