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You Win emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

It was a close game for the entirety of the match. The random weapons ensured plenty of interesting weapon combos and situations. There were long-range shoot-outs in the valley at the centre of the map, there were unlucky spawn locations, and there were unlucky weapon match ups.


The score came to 25 all, both of you only needed to get 5 more kills to win and it was insanely intense. Neither of you spoke through the controlled button mashing. You spawned with a rocket launcher and a shotgun before going on the prowl to find James. You walked through abandoned ancient sandstone towers, underground through temples when suddenly a blip on your motion sensor told you James was near. Quickly switching to your shotgun you sat around the corner waiting until he stepped out, unaware of your carefully laid trap. You pulled the trigger once and his shields vanished alerting him to your position. You pull the trigger once more but he had moved out of the way of your bullets and began firing at you with his assault rifle. You charge him and finish him off right before your shields break.


“Damn it!” he cries and you begin to walk out of the temple into the blinding sun. Three kills later the score is 28/29, James’s way. You spawn with a sniper rifle and managed to headshot him bringing the score to 29/29.


“Sweet!” James calls and that makes you worried, “A sniper!”


“Sounds like a long range battle.” You reply and begin to climb up the side of the temple. You reach the flat of the roof and begin scanning for James. A shot rings out and barely misses your character.


You duck backwards but now you know roughly where he is. You jump to shoot in his general direction and the two of you manage to hit each other, both of your shields fail and you know the next shot will win. You run a little to the right and poke your head up for a second before firing.


“Yes!” you both cry out as the announcer says the game over.


“Victory!” he continues and across your screen text appears announcing to the two of you that you are the winner.


“But I shot you?!?” James falls back onto the couch disappointed.


“It was a close game, but you owe me a six-pack now.” You say back to him and hold out your hand smirking.


“It was close, double or nothing?” he asks.


“Lets go.”


The two of you keep playing games until late at night when the two of you decided that you didn’t care about the bet. Eventually you get tired and decide that its time for bed. You finish getting ready and jump into bed ready for sleep to overtake you.

Written by The Only One on 07 April 2018

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