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Go play video games at home emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“Dunno, did you have any good video games at our flat?” You ask James and he almost scoffs,


“Of course I do.”


“Do you have Halo? Bet I could beat you in a 1v1.”


At this James lets out a loud laugh. “You’ve never been good at games before and now you want to challenge me in my own game?” He asks.


“Correction. Your roommate was never good at video games; I’m the best halo player out of all my friends.”


“Is that so?” James asks you before continuing, “If you’re so confident then let’s put a bet on it, looser owes the winner a 6-pack?”


“Sounds good.” And with that the two of you leave the restaurant and begin heading back to your flat. After making it home neither of you wastes any time setting up the console. There is a clear tension in the room and by what James said before it sounds like there is more than just the 6-pack on the line, both of you have your pride on the line. The sound-track of Halo begins to play as the main menu opens and the two of you decide on Sandtrap, a map within Halo 3. You set it to random weapons to keep it fun and you begin the countdown to the start of the match.

Written by The Only One on 27 February 2018

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