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I should think about what I want to say emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You sit quietly behind your pancakes eating small chunks although you don’t feel terribly hungry
from everything that’s happened in the last few hours.


“I thought you liked my cooking?” James was sat opposite you eating his pancakes at a reasonable


“I do but… I’m just not all that hungry.” You reply honestly and James eyes you suspiciously.


“Are you sure you didn’t hit your head?”


“Yes I am… Listen, we’re friends right? You’d listen to what I have to say?” you ask your flatmate.


“Yeah, of course? Do you need me to buy you some more… stuff?” he asks dead serious. It takes you a second to think about what he’s asking but when you realise you shake your head violently.


“NO, NO, NOTHING LIKE THAT!” You curse yourself in your head for how embarrassed you sound.


“Are you sure? You’re acting pretty weird.”


“I’m fine. Just shut up please…” You implore him and he seems to quieten down so you can think about how you want to start this conversation.


“I did have a weird dream last night,” You begin and you look to see that James has given you his full attention.


“I wasn’t like this at the start…” You gesture to yourself and you’re able to watch as his expression turns slightly confused.


“For starters I was a guy.” What little attention was on his pancakes was torn away at your unexpected words. He looks like he’s about to laugh and you’re suddenly relieved that looks can’t kill. He manages to control himself at the deathly glare in your eyes and clears his throat before nodding.


“And I wasn’t… this wolf thing… I was a human.”


“Ok?” James seems utterly lost but nods along anyways, “And what happened then to this ‘guy, nonwolf’ version of you?”


“I was locked in some black room; there was a sign that read about transformations and costumes of some kind. It said to go through one of two doors and I guess I chose the female door or something. After that I was met with lots and lots of doors along a corridor and just picked one at random. Inside it had a wolf costume and it was a bit chilly so I placed it on.” You recount the events of your last night with James listening closely.


“As soon as I had placed on all of the costume I felt sharp pains throughout all of my body and I began to ‘fill out’ the costume I guess.” The two of you sit there in silence. A minute passes with James considering the story you told him, eventually though he looks like he is almost ready to speak.

Written by The Only One on 11 December 2017

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