Take a shower before meeting with your roommate again as they suggested
You stay seated on the ground for a little bit longer your brain trying to decide what you should do. Eventually you decide to do as your… roommate suggested and move into your shared bathroom grabbing some clothes to wear after along the way. You strip down to your bare fur and take a look in the mirror, moving a paw up to your muzzle to see if this is all true. You continue to look over your own luscious fur and more feminine parts. You’d joked with friends that if you ever woke up as a girl you’d spend all your time grabbing at your breasts but now they seem forgotten among the rest of the changes your body went through. You bring a paw up to your arm and pinch yourself hard. You stifle a whimper and decide that you are definitely not dreaming.
Gingerly you step into the familiar shower and begin to toy with the shower knobs. Soon a soft spray is covering all of your fur, dampening it and turning it a shade darker. Under the nozzle you begin to think over what has happened, first you awoke in that strange room with no memory of falling asleep, then you were forced to go through some doors until you found yourself putting on that damned wolf costume… Your hand roamed to the middle of your chest where the zip should have been yet you were unable to find it under your fur. You shake your head gently and decide that your roommate must be the best option for you to find out more about what is going on. Reluctantly you turn off the shower and hop out onto the mat. You grab your towel from the rack and wrap it around yourself. You look into the mirror one last time before you start trying to dry as much water from your fur as possible.
After you’ve spent about 10 minutes attempting to dry out your fur you give up and wear the clothes that you brought into the bathroom. Walking along the familiar hall reminds you of how weird you and James are now. Everything looks the same as your old life except for the wolf Anthro you and James now appear to be. You step into the kitchen and true to his word James has made a moderately sized stack of pancakes for you and himself. You sit at the table wordlessly and he starts dishing up the pancakes into two plates, on for you and one for himself. Should you start asking questions before eating and get everything out of the way or would it be better to eat then talk, giving yourself more time to think about what to say?
Written by The Only One on 13 November 2017