Climb the hill
As you woke up, it was a sudden snap at your attention. Eyes suddenly shooting open and your head raising. You could feel the hair making up your mane falling against your neck as it fell down. Once you felt like your skin had finally relaxed, you noticed that the group was still asleep. You didn’t plan on leaving yet but something about that elder tree was still calling to you. It was now or never to go check it out for yourself and see what lay beyond that large hill. With your heart pounding against your chest you tried to back away from the group without much noise. Turning around and heading back down to the lake.
At the lake you stopped at the edge, it looked like it wouldn’t take long to walk around it to that hill. You decide now is the time and head over to the right. Working your way towards the slope, you try to make sure you can keep your footing. Once you figured it out your wings helped you to balance as you climbed higher and higher. It turned out it was a bit farther up than you thought. Where the tree had looked so tiny before it was now started to tower well over you. That was the reason for its elder tree nickname of course. You leaned against the tree for a moment.
You arrived at the top of the hill with a triumphant huff as you stood next to the large tree. It must have been well over ten feet above you where the green started from the leaves. Your eyes scanned over it for a moment, nothing grew from it fruit wise but the tree itself felt like it had some sort of history behind it. Flicking your ears forward suddenly, you could hear the cry of a falcon. Stepping forward some more, it felt like the ground was going to give way under your feet.
Out in front of you was a large forest, the trees were so far together you couldn’t even see the ground underneath it. For as far as you could see that’s all there was - though probably streams and rivers ran through it no doubt. Excitement fills you and you have ever urge to start running over, but you promised yourself you’d spend at least another night here. Taking in a deep breath, you turn away and head back down the hill. A clear goal in mind now and you would get to it one way or another.
Written by Rivaxorus on 18 May 2017