“Just wandering around I guess..” You finally decide to say as she looked at you a little quizzical at first. Giving it a rest however she took one of the tree’s and collected some apples. Seemed like she didn’t want to talk to you if you weren’t going to give her details of the beyond or something of the sort. When there really wasn’t much out there. Just green hills and a blue sky, no trees and it felt almost artificial at first.
You knew that you could make no friends here, this world was one which you did not belong. Although somehow you regretted not taking the time to maybe enjoy this adventure even if it was for a small amount of time. After all - none of these horses and pegasi had to know you. They didn’t know where you came from, just you. Perhaps after this group though because it was obvious as a traveler you had shown them you didn’t want much to do with them.
Letting that thought fade from your mind, you moved over to the apples to take a bite. Each one feeling you’re weird teeth scrape against the fruit, happily crunching into the red object. The sweet flavors rolled over your tongue and down your throat. Happily you whiny and give a soft smile lifting your head at that instant to watch that mare for one more moment. Perhaps you just seemed strange considering you were pure white. So far you hadn’t seen a pegasus or horse just like yourself. As such your feet scraped against the floor. Screw it you decide, starting to meander over to her as she turned to look at you.
“Sorry I wasn’t so inviting before.” You said with a flick of your ear and looked off to the side. “Just a little stressed from walking for so long.” That was the only excuse you could think of. As the brown mare gave a soft smile then an laughed a little pushed her hand to her snout.
“It’s nothing, you just seemed like you needed some space. Me and my herd have spent generations here that’s just why it seemed off.” She told you as you nodded your head and looked at the lake.
“Is there any interesting places to go after this? Beyond the lake.” You asked. Looking past the large grassy hill. It seemed like there was a single tree on the top of that hill. Curiously your ears swiveled forward - maybe you should walk up to see.
“That’s the elder’s tree…..I’ve been too scared to go up there. Rumors have it though there’s a great forest beyond there with many herds in them. Past that an old castle - that’s all I know it’s forbidden to usually even mention the old castle.” She looked at you with a bit of concern. However you could only see her from the corner of your eye. Something about that old tree called to you. You turned to her, smiling once again.
“Don’t worry I’ll go up there when I leave, perhaps if I come back I can tell you all about that forest” You noticed a slight flick in her tail behind her. She laughed a little and waved her hand in amusement. You seemed pleased with that reaction, feeling a new sense of calmness about the situation.
“It’s getting late, come on let’s get some sleep.” You followed the mare back towards where the horses had met. All had fallen asleep as you would to. Next to the mare who had been so kind to you. Lowering your head on your arms as you curled up on the ground you started to drift off. Being enveloped by a nightmare of some sort. All was dark as you drifted into sleep - you would find yourself waking up with gasping breaths at this rate.
Written by Rivaxorus on 13 May 2017