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I Think I Know What to do Now emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“I think I’m going to stay on this planet to mate with you.”


Those words were out just like that that it even surprised you yourself. But come on, Lucia had been taking care of you during your stay here, he’s good at sex, this place is heavenly in quite the literal way, and you like your new body.


What else can you ask for?


Lucia seemed to be in awe for a second. His reaction is understandable though, he’s probably thinking that you said it out of the euphoria after the intercourse, that you might change your mind once the afterglow is over.


“Lucia, love takes time to grow, how can I have that time if I leave this planet? How can you make it grow on me if you don’t have the chance to do so? You’re okay for a guy, so why don’t we just… try to do this and see will it work or not?”


A smile instantly showed up on his face, he kissed you over and over all the while thanking you, and it proceed to another round, and rounds, of love making with you.


Finally, you found your happiness.


Written by kelingking2 on 19 May 2016

The end (for now)

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