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Somehow, Resisting Sounds Good Now emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Okay, you did make that one small moan when he started, but you didn’t say yes, so you struggled, saying stop and no, maybe you’re not exactly ready for this? But Lucia pushed through. He didn’t hurt you but he definitely restrained you from escaping or fighting back to then had his way with you.


It was a rough, hard, and long sex.


By the time he’s done, you’ve become a panting, gasping mess on the sofa.


“Uh? Hey? Are you alright? Uh- I-I smelled the pheromones you let out when you resisted so I thought you like it that way, so I…,” between some tears your eyes leaked, you heard his voice and saw him hovering above you with a worried face. Saying those words filled with uncertainty.


So bears can smell their partner’s pheromones or is it because they’re angels? No, that’s not what you’re supposed to be wondering right now.

Written by kelingking2 on 17 May 2016

Both I Think I Know What to do Now
Both Uh, I Wonder When Will The Teleporter Be Ready?

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