How old are the hills anyway?
Finding the right balance you start swaying gently with the moving back under you, and as you start to relax you notice something funny. It is a sensation that has been there since your transformation, but now you are relaxed and moving fast you notice how it waxes and wanes as you move between the trees and bushes.
You close your eyes and concentrate on the feeling that is like nothing you ever experienced before. It dawns upon you that becoming a unicorn has given you a new sense. This must be what Peter Parker felt like when he discovered his spider sense!
Fine, a new sense, but what is it that you are sensing? Going deeper into concentration you try sorting through the levels and realize some of them are constant while others are not. The strongest sensation seems to come from the ground below you. Then there are strong sensations from the rocks you pass, and a pretty constant one from the unicorn you are riding. The trees have it, the big ones stronger than the small ones. Bushes have even less, grass just a litte bit, but the weakest source of all is your own self.
Before you can ponder what it all means, you become aware of a really strong feeling from ahead. Your mount appears to feel it too - he slows down, shivering a bit, and his breath becomes more laboured than you would expect from a short run.
You look up and notice the ground rising slightly. You are heading up a small hill which seems to have a small clearing at the top. And whatever else is up there makes your new sense go wild.
You feel pretty rested, so you tap your ride's shoulder to make his stop, and slide off his back. He gives you a grateful nod as you start walking with a hand on his... what's the word... his withers to steady yourself.
In the hilltop clearing is a circle of standing stones, not unlike Stonehenge, and you notice they give you the Sensation ever stronger than other rocks you have seen. But the strongest source is inside. A hunched cloaked figure stands with its back turned, appearing to gaze thoughtfully at a shining crystal ball hovering over the top of a short pillar. The ball has the strongest Sensation of everything you have noticed this far, including the ground.
You stop quietly at the edge of the circle between two of the rocks. Even though you have made no sound, and the figure has its back turned, you have a feeling that it can still see you - and not just as a reflection in the crystal ball either.
As the figure turns to look at you, you are not really surprised to see that it is another unicorn person - an old mare from the look of it. Actually she appears more timeless than old, and you recall hearing about unicorns being immortal...
Then it hits you. Your new sense. It's <b><i>Age</i></b>! You can sense age! And if your new sense does not betray you, the crystal ball is even older than the planet you're walking on. The old mare is a good number three, while your guide/mount is "just" older than most things on the planet. It all makes sense - big trees are older than small trees, and bushes and grass are pretty ephemeric. And while you used to be a human youth, as a unicorn you are just created.
Youe train of thought is broken as the old - no, ancient mare raises a hand and beckons you forward. Now what could the oldest of unicorns want with the youngest of them?
Written by Won-Tolla on 25 October 2007
The end (for now)