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Next Time, Bring a Saddle emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

It's not hard to figure out what the unicorn wants you to do. You're still startled from that abrupt change, and it seems odd to ride a creature who looked like you until a few minutes ago, but your aching hooves silence any objections.


It takes some time to climb onto the unicorn's back; without a foothold, it would be difficult even in a body you're used to. Eventually, with the aid of a nearby tree, you manage to scramble on. The unicorn stands patiently still the whole time.


Finally on top, you sit there, feeling clumsy, slightly embarrassed, and ready to slide off again at any moment. The unicorn shakes his head. You feel him tense slightly, and you have just enough time to grab a handful of his mane in your three-fingered hands before he takes off running down the trail.

Written by Chrysalis on 24 October 2007

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