Mirror, Mirror On The Box - Who's The Cutest Little Fox?
You stand staring for several minutes before you try some poses and notice your tail. It's perfect too. It is big, fluffy and almost as long as you body, and really whooshes when you wag it. And right now you feel like you're going to wag it a lot!
You look in the mirror again and get lost in your eyes. Then you proceed to get lost in other parts. You keep staring for a small eternity before you realize something.
You are not just cute as a sack full of buttons. You're also as sexy as all get out. You realize that you're turning yourself on, and you have to muster all your willpower to not start playing with yourself.
You need a man.
Whoa, where did that come from? Not from your cool rational mind to be sure, even though it feels rather small right now. For the first time it occurs to you that transforming may affect your mind, or at least the way you think.
You need a m
Okay, enough of that! This is getting out of control. The sensible thing to do right now would be to take a cold shower with lots of soap, wash the hot vixen out of your fur and never look back.
You don't feel very sensible at the moment. More like sensuous. Besides going back now you've come this far would be such a waste.
You are still human deep inside. You can control this. So you don't want to go back or follow what seems to be your new instincts - think of something else!
You look in the mirror and get lost again. But you come back with an answer. You want to share this beauty. You want to go out and show off. Sure, you got mostly ignored before, but then you weren't really chasing attention either. And then you just looked weird, but someone as cute as this vixen just has to be noticed.
But what will you wear? Just fur is out - sure, you have enough fur to be decently covered, but you would still feel naked, and be pretty... accessible as well.
Your old clothes won't fit your new body, and even if they did they would look ugly on the new you. Quickly running out of alternatives, you remember that your sister, who lives on the other side of the building, is out of town for the weekend, and she left a key with you in case of emergencies. She has more and better clothes
than you, and you seem to be about her size now... These, then, are your alternatives. You pad into the living room, sit down on the couch (minding your tail) and try not to think of sex.
Written by Won-Tolla on 30 May 2007