You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You decide to get something else. But what?
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
The spray bottle
You get the spray bottle. Now what are you going to do with it?
Written by on 19 October 2004
Spray it on your hair.
You spray some of it on to your hair.
You notice a mirror and look in to it.
To your shock you notice that...
Written by on 19 October 2004
Your ears have become fox-like
<spanFullTF> Much to your surprise the back of your ears starts to grow red fur with the inside growing white fur.
As you watch your ears migrate to the top of your head changing into a triangle shape as they do so.
You look in the mirror and a nearby picture of a fox and realise that your ears are now fox ears.<spanFullTF>
You then...
Written by on 19 October 2004
Fox In A Can (TM)
You hold up the can to read the label, but it is in some strange alphabet you have never seen before. Maybe there is an English version on the other side?
You turn over the can without changing your grasp, and just as the nozzle is pointing straight at your face you accidentally push the button. The canned magic sprays right at you, making your eyes water and your throat burn as you inhale a few drops.
As you stand doubled over coughing, you feel your head getting front heavy, and as you clear the tears from your eyes the first thing you see is something big and red between them. Turning to the mirror you find that your mouth and nose have turned into a pretty vulpine muzzle, complete with black upturned snout at the tip and fangs in the mouth. And your eyes.... wow! Fox eyes to be sure.
Your fox ears pick up the sound of someone clearing their throat next to you, and as you turn away from the mirror you see the shopkeeper looking at you.
"Please continue your experiments outside," he says dryly.
"We don't want the potion to get on anything but you. Besides, sooner or later you'll want to undress, and that should not be done in public."
You ponder for a moment and yip softly in reply. Oops, looks like some of that stuff got on your vocal cords when you inhaled.
"Quite so," the shopkeeper admits. He seems to have a better idea about what you're saying with your new voice than you have yourself! "Oh, and you may want this. Just in case you haven't got any at home."
He hands you a bar of soap, and you stare at it for a moment before you realize that you don't have any magic soap at home, and certainly no one would expect you to.So that remark must mean it's ordinary soap.Which means...
Of course. You suddenly have a flashback to a story you read as a kid, about an evil witch who didn't realize her spray-on potions could be neutralized simply by washing them off with soap and water. Well, if it's that easy to cancel this magic you're going to have some fun with it! Maybe even come back and buy another can later... if it's not too expensive, but then they wouldn't be handing out free samples, would they?
The shopkeeper takes the can from you, shakes it and hands it back. "It has been used a couple of times," he observes, "but there should be enough left to cover your whole body if you spray thinly."
You want to ask if a thin layer will be enough for a complete transformation, but realize that you probably wouldn't want to go that far. And if you do it would be a good idea to get someone to help both with the spray and the cleaning up. And how are you supposed to clean your throat anyway...?
Written by Won-Tolla on 26 May 2007
Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Fox
Twenty minutes later you arrive safely home after learning a bit about your fellow humans. To wit, most people will treat unusual sights as if they were invisible. You actually walked through town with a fox face without causing more than a few raised eyebrows. A couple of kids would point and stare, but their parents - or whoever they were with - soon put an end to that.
Slightly disappointed, you lock the door and take the time to check your messages before you pick up the magic spray can and walk into the bath. You stand pondering your new face in the mirror while shaking the can and estimating that it's about half full. Now according to what the shopkeeper said, you can just wash off the transformation and start over later, but that would be so much spray wasted, and you don't know how long it would last. Better to continue from here...
Keeping the shopkeeper's advice in mind, you kick off your shoes, take off your clothes and fold them up before putting them to the side. Now...
Looking at your fox face again you realize there is something about it that you can't quite put your finger on. Somehow it's not quite what you would have expected - if you had expected something in the first place, that is! There is a word at the tip of your tongue that you can't speak with your current voice...
On a sudden impulse you bend over and spray your crotch. To your surprise it feels cold. Or rather, you feel as if you're cold. There is shrinking and pulling in, and suddenly, as the song goes, you're not half the man you used to be. To put it bluntly, you are female downstairs.
Vixen! That is the word you were looking for. Looking up at the mirror again, you notice the feminine features that eluded you earlier. You pick up the can and look at it. The lettering is as cryptic as ever, but you notice a small sign on the side. A pink Venus symbol.
No wonder the shopkeeper smirked as he handed you the can!
It's a vixen spray...
Written by Won-Tolla on 30 May 2007
Step By Step
So, you say to yourself as you examine the cryptic spray can again, there is a vixen at the bottom of the can. But what kind? After thinking about it for a minute you lift the can and spray quickly across your chest.
The fur comes in first, red on the sides and white in the middle. You wait. Then the swelling starts, and you nod. You don't know much about foxes but you do know ordinary ones don't have breasts, so it looks like the vixen in your future is anthropomorphic and not a four-legger. Or maybe the amount of spray used is the determining factor? That would explain your all-fox voice (which sounds rather feminine too when you think about it) - you did get quite a blast down your throat back in the shop. You may have been a bit heavy on the button "downstairs" too...
To test your theory you spray lightly on both sides of your left hand. It shrinks and darkens, turning small and dainty, black and furry - but it remains a hand, not a paw. Looking at your fingertips you realize that you don't have fingerprints any more. Not that you plan anything that would make that handy (!), but it's nice to know nonetheless.
You put down the can and clap your uneven hands for a bit before you realize there is something else you have to try before going on. Actually it may be a bit late if it doesn't work.
Stepping over to the washbasin, you turn on the tap and run the water about as hot as you can bear, then after a moment's hesitation you shove your fox hand under the tap and start scrubbing it with the other. Nothing happens. Your hands get wet and warm, but there is no magic moment. Did the shopkeeper lie to you??
No, wait, he handed you a soap bar, right? It's in your bag out in the hall, but if it's as ordinary as you assumed earlier you have what you need right here. You grab a soap bottle, squirt out a healthy dollop in your free hand and proceed to work up a lather and rub it into your handfur.
Nothing continues to happen. You move your soapy hands under the tap to rinse off, and just like that they are both back to normal.
Fascinating. So clean water isn't enough, it takes soap as well. Of course nobody would want a transformation that runs off as soon as you go for a swim or get caught out in the rain!
Having verified that the way back remains open, you ponder going further. You have to go one way or the other anyhow - you look totally weird with random vixen parts.
After rinsing and drying your hands and doing some general cleanup (taking care not to get soap on your transformed parts) you proceed to transform your hands, arms, shoulders, neck and the upper part of your chest. Then you sit down and do your legs. The fur and colors come out fine, but the legs still don't look quite right, so you give them another round and watch in fascination as your joints shift and you become a digitigrade. Now that's going to take some getting used to!
You put away the spray can, stand up and walk carefully around enjoying the new spring in your step. You still look weird naked, but now you have transformed all the parts that show when you are clothed. To test this, you pick up your clothes, put them on and look in the mirror.
Blah. The visible parts look fine but your plain figure doesn't really do them justice - apart from the bulge up front there isn't really anything feminine about it. You look like a tomboy. Or should that be a todboy when you're a fox? ;-)
Stripping again, you give your breasts another quick spray before you start working on your waist and hips. When you're finally satisfied, the fur covers so much of your body you might as well fill in the blanks, so you do.
The vixen in the mirror looks pretty good now, but there is still something missing, and you feel kind of front heavy.
Oh yes. Of course. After checking your body for bare spots and making some minor adjustments, you put the can on a shelf, nozzle outwards, turn your back to it, adjust the height, put your dainty hands behind you and push the button to spray your tail bone.
It itches as something starts growing. When it stops you step forward, arch your back and look over your shoulder (the transformation seems to have made your body more flexible) to see the cutest little tail at the end of your back. With a little effort you even make it wag a little.
Sure, it's cute, but not very 'foxy', and you still feel kind of off balance. And the can still isn't quite empty...
After a quick spot check to verify there's no other spot to use the spray on, you assume the position again, reach behind you and press the button until the can is empty. Realizing that you need space to grow, you step quickly forward, spin around and grab the empty can off the shelf just as the shock hits you.
It feels like your spine gets kicked up your back and pulled back out to twice its length. You moan like a sick puppy as your newest appendage goes through the grandmother of all growth spurts.
A minute later it's over. The can is empty, and you let it fall from your hand without a care for where it lands. Feeling dead tired, you stagger over to the mirror - and stare in disbelief at your mirror image.
You bare your sharp teeth in a sly foxy grin, and the vixen in the mirror smiles back.
She is complete now.
She is perfect!
She is the cutest creature you ever saw.
And... she's you.
Written by Won-Tolla on 30 May 2007
Mirror, Mirror On The Box - Who's The Cutest Little Fox?
You stand staring for several minutes before you try some poses and notice your tail. It's perfect too. It is big, fluffy and almost as long as you body, and really whooshes when you wag it. And right now you feel like you're going to wag it a lot!
You look in the mirror again and get lost in your eyes. Then you proceed to get lost in other parts. You keep staring for a small eternity before you realize something.
You are not just cute as a sack full of buttons. You're also as sexy as all get out. You realize that you're turning yourself on, and you have to muster all your willpower to not start playing with yourself.
You need a man.
Whoa, where did that come from? Not from your cool rational mind to be sure, even though it feels rather small right now. For the first time it occurs to you that transforming may affect your mind, or at least the way you think.
You need a m
Okay, enough of that! This is getting out of control. The sensible thing to do right now would be to take a cold shower with lots of soap, wash the hot vixen out of your fur and never look back.
You don't feel very sensible at the moment. More like sensuous. Besides going back now you've come this far would be such a waste.
You are still human deep inside. You can control this. So you don't want to go back or follow what seems to be your new instincts - think of something else!
You look in the mirror and get lost again. But you come back with an answer. You want to share this beauty. You want to go out and show off. Sure, you got mostly ignored before, but then you weren't really chasing attention either. And then you just looked weird, but someone as cute as this vixen just has to be noticed.
But what will you wear? Just fur is out - sure, you have enough fur to be decently covered, but you would still feel naked, and be pretty... accessible as well.
Your old clothes won't fit your new body, and even if they did they would look ugly on the new you. Quickly running out of alternatives, you remember that your sister, who lives on the other side of the building, is out of town for the weekend, and she left a key with you in case of emergencies. She has more and better clothes
than you, and you seem to be about her size now... These, then, are your alternatives. You pad into the living room, sit down on the couch (minding your tail) and try not to think of sex.
Written by Won-Tolla on 30 May 2007