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The real world emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As you celebrate the menu pops back up and you push the button to log out.


The feeling of your old body is dissoritanting and it takes you a moment to get used to having hands. Eventually you are able to get the glasses off.


You purchase it and take it home. Slipping it on you are disappointed when it fails to activate. Slipping it off you are quite surprised to see Nilana resting on your bed.


<So this is the human you.>


“Yes” you say “What are you doing out of the game?”


<That was no game. It was a test. Eventually you will be able to bring out your power without the artifact, but for now you must learn. We will be here to help you. Anway it must charge for now.>


She hops off the bed and looks back as if waiting for you to follow her.


Written by catprog on 30 April 2018

The end (for now)

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