Species (Lioness)
A wave of tawny yellow fur seems to wash over your arm the second you press the lioness option, your previously bare limb covered in a thick coat of fur within seconds. The speed of the spreading fur continues across your shoulder and down your body evenly, at one point leaving exactly half your body covered in fur and the other half completely hairless. It must be an odd look for the split second it occurs, especially when there seems to be no other aspects you’d expect with such a transformation occurring. As the last of the fur crawls its way over your body, you start to wonder if perhaps there was some sort of glitch that is turning you into nothing more than a very hairy human woman.
That turns out to not be the case, though the way the transformation continues is also unexpected. As the fur that’s essentially washed over you settles to cover the hand that didn’t press the button, it is on said hand that the next stage of your transformation advances. Your pinky finger, the very last bit to get coated, suddenly started to grow numb as the last hairs settle in. As you watch the tip seems to swell slightly before your eyes, the fingertip gaining a more circular shape. Turning your hand over shows a small black pad has emerged through the fur, your ring finger tip slowly darkening as it begins to reshape like your now full transformed pinky.
The rest of your hand follows suit, but it’s only when your hand is fully transformed that something else seems to unlock. Claws emerge from the very tips of your fingers, small but wickedly sharp. You feel your foot going through a similar transformation as well, which might make footwear a little troublesome if you can’t control it. A small sigh of relief escapes you when you realize the claws on both your hands and feet are retractable.
The strange transformation style continues as one of your ears begin to feel uncomfortable and numb. Any firmness and rigidity feels lost when you gently grip the transforming ear, the flesh feeling more like soft, bubbling wax than cartilage in your hand. The top of it begins to tip over slightly and round out while pressure begins to build on your eardrum as though you have a terrible cold. It builds and builds until a sudden, “POP!” it immediately dissipates.
Your newly sharpened hearing(well, in one ear at the moment, at least) kicks in just in time to catch the sound of crunching bone as your muzzle starts to stretch out. The side to side style of transformation continues here as well as your back teeth start to shift and sharpen, working up your bite line as more teeth follow suit. Even your tongue seems to be getting in on the act as it slowly starts to grow rougher and more feline. It feels incredibly strange even though it’s not painful, and you can only imagine what this would like to an outside observer especially when your face structure is an even 50/50 split between human and lion. It’s a relief when the other half of your body starts to get swept up in the changes and evens everything out.
With the odd feelings of how your face was changing, it was no wonder you were distracted from the emerging of a lioness’ tail just above your butt. If it followed the same pattern of transformation as the rest of you perhaps it’s best you were too distracted to notice. The rest of the changes seem almost anti-climatic as one half of your body becomes symmetrical with the other. You take a moment once the final pinkie finger joins the rest of your body in anthropomorphic lioness form, stretching and getting used to your new shape as a new screen pops up in front of you asking you to choose your stance. You decide you’ll go…
Written by LunaMoonstone on 07 February 2018