Find A Drink
our thirst for knowledge may be unquenchable, but a book isn’t going to do anything about the dry taste in your mouth right now. Maybe you could find a spell that would help with that eventually, but for now it’d make a lot more sense to settle for a non-magical solution to your physical need. Assuming the few coins you find in a pocket of your robe will suffice for that, you find your way out of the library and into the world outside.
After consulting a nearby street sign directing you to the Drunken Gazelle(seems safe to assume that’s the name of a tavern), you assess the citizens of this town a bit more. They all seem to be anthropomorphic in some fashion like yourself, though to what degree seems to vary. There are many that are about an even split of human and animal like yourself, but that balance isn’t always maintained. You have thought a rabbit that just darted by was a normal animal, save only for the fact that it was standing on two feet and clothed. He’s being chased by a giggling little girl, and you barely catch a glimpse of a striped cat’s tail on her otherwise human body. You haven’t noticed any full animals either, though it’s hard to tell if that’s just because you’re in the middle of the city or because there aren’t any to be found in this world.
The Drunken Gazelle has everything you’d expect from a tavern; large mugs of ale, a group of people playing a card game over on one table where an empty seat seems welcoming, a bar where a few patrons sit, and several tables both occupied and unoccupied. You decide you’ll sit…
Written by LunaMoonstone on 24 October 2017
The end (for now)