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Enter The Main Library emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As you exit the room you’re greeted by dozens of book filled shelves on either side of you. Judging from the sheer number of them and the way the shelves are labeled, you quickly surmise you’re in a library. This library seems to carry both magical and non-magical tomes as you casually glance over the shelves, seeing titles ranging from a cook book titled, “How Not To Burn Water” to a spell book titled, “How To Burn Water Elementals”. It even carries comics and manga as well, though it is a little weird to find the latest issue of, “Normal Life With Monster Men” just one shelf over from a tome illustrating the physical dissection of monster men.


You try to read a couple of the tomes that seem like they contain spells, only to find your eyes glazing over within seconds. Whatever sub-conscious understanding that guided you through learning your first spell is doing nothing to help you with these advanced magical formulas. Maybe once you’ve had a bit more experience with magic you can try them again, but now you’re not sure you could even begin to pronounce the first words of some of these spells. As regretful as it feels to ignore this knowledge, you’re just going to have to come back later.


Racking your brain for the usual fantasy tropes about how to proceed from here, you decide to…

Written by LunaMoonstone on 20 October 2017

Both Find A Trainer
Both Find Work
Both Find A Drink

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