Find Work
Knowledge may be power, but you also need to do something with that knowledge once you have it. You could probably use some more money beyond the couple of coins you find in the pocket of your robe, so why not kill two birds with one stone? A quick walk into the main halls of the library bring you to the reference desk manned by an elderly looking goat woman. Looking at you over her spectacles, she directs you to the nearby adventurer’s guild when you ask where you can find some work.
The world outside the library continues the medieval vibe you’ve been getting off most everything else you’ve seen so far. The paths are paved with stones, the buildings are mostly wooden with glass being largely limited to small windows, and there’s no sign of cars or anything electrically powered anywhere. Even the street lights, off for now in the daytime, look like they’d be lit more like a traditional lantern. The dress of the people is similarly medieval, seeing mostly tunics and dresses with the occasional robe or suit of armor worn by the citizens of this world.
Opening the door to the Adventurer’s Guild, there are several things that catch your attention. A young fox woman much like yourself sits behind what looks like a reception desk, smiling and welcoming you to the guild as you enter. Off to one side of the room you notice a wooden board with several notices posted on it and broken down into guild sanctioned requests and non-sanctioned requests. You also see a group of what you assume to be adventurer’s sitting around a table with one suspiciously empty chair that almost seems to be inviting you to sit down at it.
So, where do you want to go from here?
Written by LunaMoonstone on 23 October 2017
The end (for now)