As soon as you press the button for the simple red robes and stick-like wand, the entire world is plunged in darkness. If not being able to see more than a foot in front of your face wasn’t bad enough, your surroundings seem to have changed as well. You can barely even see your feet in the darkness, forcing you to squat down and feel around and feel the paved stone that’s now underneath it.
You feel around frantically for something, ANYTHING to get your bearings. When your hand bumps against something you grab it desperately. Pulling up the unknown object, you recognize it as the wand that was paired with the robes for the Evoker class. Small glowing runes appear in on the wand as you examine it. They mean nothing to you at first, but as you continue to study them they start to shift and change into readable words.
“Bickus Flickus?” A small whooshing sound draws your attention as you read the strange words to a newly lit candle. As the glow grows, you can make out a wooden desk and chair, as well as the robes you saw earlier sitting on a nearby hook. With no other landmarks to work with, you approach the desk, pausing to slip the robes over your nude form before examining the desk further.
A tome sits open atop the desk, the writing similar to the runes on your wand earlier. The mysteries of where you are and what happened are suddenly secondary to the riddles hidden within this book. Despite yourself you sit down and begin to pour over the pages, unbothered by the unreadable script. They say knowledge is power, and your thirst for knowledge drives you to dive into the book.
Minutes pass, then hours(or so it feels). The only sound in the room is of paper rustling as you turn the pages. The runes are still undecipherable to your logical mind, but that’s not what’s driving you at the moment. Your subconscious is understanding what all these symbols really are; instructions. Directions. Power. Magic.
With a start so sudden you surprise yourself a little, you slam the book close and stand up. A light illuminates a nearby wall, revealing a metal shield hanging against it. It should serve as a perfect target to practice your new spell on.
“Firus Flickus!” A small sweep of your wand accompanies your new spell, noticing the tip of the wand glowing bright red as you point it at the shield. The glow grows in brightness and size for a moment before shooting toward the shield with a shot. The miniature fireball strikes the shield, the flames bursting and leaving a small black scorch mark where it hit. You repeat this a few more times, cementing the spell in your mind.
Your eyes glance back briefly toward the tome, wanting to immediately dive back in. There’s still so much more hiding in that book, but regretfully you close it for now. There’s magic in everything; books, things, even people. You need to go out and experience that, and see how those magics all interact and work with one another as well as how those things change when you add your own magics to them. Once you have a better understanding of that, only then will more of the tomes secrets will be revealed to you. It’s regretful, but you can’t just stay holed up with your book all day.
Besides, there’s still so many MORE books waiting to be found…
Written by LunaMoonstone on 21 January 2017