Go See The Male Fox
After making sure that your den is the way you want it you decide the next step is definitely find a mate. The male fox that you’ve scented in your territory can potentially be that mate, providing that you two click. You’ll both share a common need; the need to reproduce and create the next generation.
With long strides you seek the male out. This time it takes a bit longer to find the other fox, though you eventually find him.
He’s a beautiful shade of red, a bit deeper than your own, with a sleek muzzle and thoughtful eyes. The moment he lays eyes on you his ears perk up curiously and he takes a step forward. There is no aggression in his posture, no signs betraying that he is annoyed with your presence. No, quite the opposite, it seems that he is interested in you too.
You two close the distance between you, noses touching as you take in each other’s scents. Things seem to be going well with the male as you guys interact, your own actions inviting as you get to know each other.
Finally it seems that the stage of introduction is complete and he gives you a tender lick between the ears, as if trying to comfort you. You sit, staying close to the male fox as he curls around you. At least, you think to yourself, you now have a mate. You two will become the dominant pair in this part of the territory and someday you will have young together. Maternal instinct is already part of you, though it is not yet your season to mate.
So for now you settle yourself beside your new mate, enjoying in his company and warmth as he begins to clean your beautiful red coat. His tongue slides across the soft fur, making it fluff out a little more. It is a soothing motion to you, and slowly you close your eyes, drifting off into a light slumber.
Written by ShatteredBeginnings on 22 January 2017