Locate a Den
The natural thing to do, at least in your mind, was to go den hunting for now, or at least find a suitable area for one to be dug. Delicate paws lead you on, pressing through the grasses as you sought a location on higher ground. While being near the water was a good think you also wanted to make sure that your den was far enough away that if the waters swelled your den wouldn’t get swallowed up by the flood.
So up a hill you began to climb, paws testing the earth here and there to make sure that it was still suitable for digging. Digging in an area where the earth was too hard wouldn’t be good either, you knew, so you were being cautious. Every so often you scented the air too, making sure that the vixen didn’t come back to try and fight once more. You felt pretty satisfied that you had run her off, though it never hurt to be sure.
Finally, after a couple minutes of climbing you glanced back down the hill. The brook seems far enough away that even if it flooded it should not affect the den you plan to make. Though, just to be certain, you check the area a bit more thoroughly for signs of another den.
What you find brings you joy; an abandoned badger set, while not the most ideal location, shows you that another creature has lived her successfully. After carefully checking it out you head inside, starting to remove the old traces of the other creature and mark the den with your scent instead. You know you will also need to work on lengthening the den too, for this is not big enough for a family of foxes. But at the same time you feel satisfied, glad that you’ve found a place where you’ll be able to raise your future young. Your mind is completely focused on the survival of a fox now, rather than that of a human.
Bit by bit you work, using your paws carefully to scoop out the dirt behind you as you try to get the den ready. The scent of soil fills your nose, the sound of your own digging reaching your ears. Though you’re working on your den you keep your senses alert, hoping that you’re right in the fact the other vixen has gone far away. While you are not afraid to face her again if she returns you know that things would be easier if she simply stayed away from the area.
The day begins to wear on as you continue to work tirelessly, feeling your body move almost mechanically as you make sure the den is perfect for your future family.
It is well past nightfall by the time you finish your digging, your chest rising and falling as you emerge from the den once more. Your golden eyes take a moment to readjust to the light outside, taking on a light glow as you look around. This, night, is when a fox is usually most active. Your ears twitch as you listen to the sounds around you once more.
Insects, the scurrying of paws in the undergrowth, and the distant sound of the water moving reach you. These are calming sounds, and slowly you feel your heartbeat get back to normal. From what you can tell with your sharpened senses there doesn’t seem to be any other predators in the area at the moment, save for one...
...another fox.
But this is not the vixen from before, you realize. This fox is different, a male. A potential partner for you. You cast one last look at your den as you make your decision.
Written by ShatteredBeginnings on 08 January 2017