Shapeshifters (Fox Pockets Book 2)
Rating 3 / 5
A collection of short stories. Some good, some not so good. A lot of them felt like they should have more
A battle of non traditional weres
Traditional style of werewolf.
Hyenas shifters. Unfortunately it needs more.
Another skin transformation but it does not just work one way. One of the ones I enjoyed more then the others and did not need more.
Relics of dead people allow some to change temporarily into them so others can say goodbye. Another one of the good ones that does not need more.
Cloud ships, and cloud dragons. Enough for a stand alone
Possibly a change in the mind only.
Aliens wearing human skin.
only sort of transformation and a disturbing story
Creatures mimic other things and cause society changes. Very possible to have more set in the same world
Nanobot enabled human vs giant robots. Good enough for the short but another one that can easily be expanded.
No idea how this is transformation
Easy transformation and hen-picked husband. I feel this is one that needs to be expanded.
Fox but no transformations.
Shapeshifter tries to seduce sailors
Released (The Shapeshifters' Library Book 1) Reviews Mercy Thompson
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