4:210 Alterntive Scenarios from Other Stories by catprog
This is for characters from the other stories in other scenarios.
4:211 Lycan Gruff from Survivor by catprog
Original Story
4:212 His Editor by palantean-writer
For ages mankind has been fascinated with the primal allure of shape-shifting. The ability to alter one's physical appearance, for the civilized human creature to revert once more into a form that is honest to their truer animalistic nature, has been the subject of many a legend throughout the
1:986 Lion by Picklessauce69
Your nose crinkles with curiosity, eyeing the rest of the space of the field only to spot more signs scattered overtop of the grassy terrain. You start to stroll forward to the next closest one until you're close enough to spy the font over top of it: "Lion."
You take anot
8:64 Touch the medallion, find your freedom! by vanillametal
There is no way you could turn down an opportunity like this. You feel a little bad, abandoning Quinn and Elena like this. However, the look in Shift’s eyes tells you that it is the right decision to go with him.
Take your chance.
So you do , ignoring the concern on Ry’s
1:984 Accept This by Martin Prance
You let go of the person you once knew. For a moment, you take the time to feel the fur on the back of your hand as tears come to your eyes. What arises out of letting go and becoming who you are now isn’t emptiness or fear, as you may have once felt, but elation and excitement.
8:65 Stay here. You can by vanillametal
Though you desperately, desperately want to escape…you know your conscience would never be clear if you just abandon the rest of the poor sods that have ended up trapped here. Ry too, seems to be feeling the same way, as you both stepped back from Shift, and you shakes your head.
1:985 Fight This by Martin Prance
No. This isn’t you. It was never you. The World of Forms would never have burdened you with such a grotesque body. You need to fight this.
You tell Yhnhn that you’re leaving.
She says, almost in anticipation.
“I worried you’d be fea
8:63 Possible escape? by vanillametal
Shift nods, and lifts off the ground a bit, flying up into the sky. You watch him, and are shocked that eventually he manages to pass through and far above the barrier. By the time he descends, you are baffled. “How were you able to do that!?” You exclaime, laying a paw on your chest, your ears
3:373 What other option is there? by neonsilver
Current Form: Red Fox Current Gender: Male Current Stature: Feral Nights in This Form: 0 Mentality Status: 100% Total Nights: 0 Current Time: 16:10
A little shaken from your recent venture, you pad over to the trapdoor, ready to move on.
It doesn't appear to be lo
1:983 You see her by Martin Prance
Next to a riverbank that rushes with a bright, glowing blue bubbling liquid, appearing to be a sort of thick, jelly-like water, you see her there. Yhnhn. She seems to have aged since you saw her mere hours ago. What was once a nubile, young body has grown womanly and mature. She stares at you with s
8:62 Getting nowhere with this by vanillametal
“O…kay…?” You stare straight back at him. Then something came to light in your mind. Maybe he can’t understand you? “Um…do you know what I’m saying?” You ask. Shift just blinks, and makes a shrugging motion, before starting to make hand signals. He seems to be pointing to the blue
1:982 No by Martin Prance
You refuse to get to your hands. There may be some comfort in it, you can feel it as you run. Your back is hunching you over, begging you to run on all fours, but you are still a human and you still run as though you never changed.
This speed is not something to be dismissed
8:61 Look up by vanillametal
Both of you screams, and stumble back as a winged creature flew down. A lion creature, with a large, golden mane, but a human face. Another anthro, just like you and Ry. You know that face too. As it landed, you realize that it wis as Shift. You hadn’t liked him much when he was alive, now he had
1:981 Yes by Martin Prance
You accept this new form and all of the advantages is has to offer. Upon pounding your two front palms into the ground in front of you, these advantages becomes immediately apparent. You are as fast as the wind. You find yourself running now, not to find Yhnhn but to indulge yourself in what must as
8:60 The search for your companions by vanillametal
You and Ry seem to walk forever. In fact, you walk for so long, that you emerge from the jungle completely, and end up by the sea cliffs, without finding anyone else. Plenty of wildlife was lurking among the trees though. Toucans to tarantulas…you are kind of glad to be out of there.
1:980 In the other world by Martin Prance
You are inside the lab, trying to activate the portal without turning on the lights. Any time the lights turn on, security is immediately alerted to a human presence inside the building. Thankfully, as your body has begun to transform, you can feel the darkness easing into your eyes, the small amoun
8:59 The next day by vanillametal
When you wake up, you initially think you are in your house. Your wife and kids will be downstairs, probably having pancakes or something for breakfast. You push up under the clean white covers and set about getting ready for work like you usually do.
Instead, you awake on a bed of grass
1:979 Dream by Martin Prance
A dream. That strange woman is back. She called you a brother in truth. You are home, however. You are inside the strange dimension, but as you turn your head all the way around your neck, you feel comfort here, as if you're somewhere that you've been looking for your whole life. Yhnhn spe
8:58 Head to the lake by vanillametal
It is a short trek to the lake, just like Ry said. When you arrive, you are relieved to see the pure, clear water. Though you aren’t about to be fooled again. While she crouched beside it and sips a little from her cupped hands, you hang back.
“What’s the matter?” She looks round