
1:1054 Bluff Me, Bluff You Back by Clayem
You tell him that no-one would help him anyway and that telling people that you were running away would be pointless.


He laughs. “Oh, my dear Skippy, where were you all these years? Certainly in some little haven of peace. I had no idea Murrs were so naïve, especially ones that are on

2:995 How Can I Get Here, Then? by kelingking2


Somehow, that’s the thing worried you most. Because if alien abduction is true, then you’re in it now. And you might be probed if the stories circulating about it is also true, so it’s better to prepare an escape plan as soon as possible.


“Oh, that, probably the tele

1:1060 A job..? by Blueberries
You decide to forgive her.


An hour of barfing seeds allows you to stand. Your stomach is still the size of a beachball, and your throat feels sore. But you'll survive.


The gardener escorts you out of your seed-laden clearing to a side room. Turns out when there isn'

1:1053 I Was Looking For You by Clayem
After hearing your question, he stays quiet for a while. He suddenly reaches up and descends his hood, offering you a large smile. He is indeed in his dragon form, and there is something truly disturbing about his large shark teeth displayed in a smile. “Why, my dear Skippy. I guess that it would

2:994 Scream for Help by kelingking2
The moment you step outside is when you realized what the other bear meant with danger.


The spaceship-thing you’re inside before is on top of what seemed the top of the world.




The green meadow is a distance away from the ship. As the ship is surrounde

1:1058 Hydra by Cinder
He's changing alright. The stomach jostles you. Suddenly, you feel like you are pulled upwards. A rushing sensation precedes you opening your eyes. You have eyes again!


You look down. Your head is mounted on a long scaly neck... Which is attached to the shoulder of a mostly-human ma

1:1052 The Reunion by Clayem
Standing there, in the middle of the street, is a tall hooded figure. His coat is worn, his boots are old, and he is covered in the road’s dust. Yet, he is intimidating, both in stature and aura. And, despite the fact that you can’t clearly see their face in the deep dramatic shade that covers i

2:993 Stay Calm by kelingking2
The moment you step outside is when you realized what the other bear meant with danger.


The spaceship-thing you’re inside before is on top of what seemed the top of the world.




The green meadow is a distance away from the ship. As the ship is surrounde

1:1051 The Rumor by Clayem
You understand, a while later, that they desire to see you stay with them. Of course, you accept their offer with great joy and quickly integrate yourself in the small community. With time, you even start to lean their language.


At the beginning you try to keep hold of the time passing b

2:992 No Way, I by kelingking2
“Uh, wait, what do you mean, Eden?” for the first time, you heard your changed voice speaking. You think your voice is somewhere between Emma Watson as a superhero and Britney Spears singing Toxic? Point is: you sounded hot and you like that. “Do you mean Eden as Heaven? Am I… dead?” almos

6:141 Keep Going by Picklessauce69


Dan pauses, standing on the pavement. He know he needs to go someplace else, but where? Where does one go when they are suddenly a unicorn? His mind ran through the list of local businesses he usually frequented, none of them seemed to hold an answer.


Usually, when in troubl

2:991 Time to Press the Panic Button by kelingking2
“NOOOOOOOO!!” this is a nightmare! This must be a nightmare! You can’t be dead! You’re… changed to a half-bear-woman but you’re not dead!


Are you?


Screaming that loud and long ‘no’ you run away from the other half-bear who just greeted you. You don’t want to

6:140 Investigate by Picklessauce69
“What was that?” Dan thought again, figuring he should at least go in and check. Worst that happens is they are teasing him, right? He worked back up the walkway, pushing into the open door only to see the most horrific sight of his life.


His friends were scattered over the carpet li

2:990 In The Jungle, The Mighty Jungle by kelingking2
Maybe because you’re a bear that this wilderness felt like home. You looked around, sniffed around, tasted around, pretty much enjoying these senses an animal had extra strong compared with humans. Until you saw a pack of bears.


“I just had the wildest dream!” running toward them y

6:138 Head to the Library by Picklessauce69
The library holds all the answers! No matter the comfort home might offer, he realized that true answers had to come from study. Heading off at an awkward, unsure trot, Dan started towards the familiar, brick building.


Passing through the front doors, it only took a moment before a libra

2:989 Maybe Help Will Come by kelingking2


These costumes can’t just suddenly appear at this place, you thought, someone must have placed them here. Big chance is that someone will come again to put more or to take away some, and you can ask that person for help.


That’s why you decided to stay put.



6:137 Go Home by Picklessauce69
Home is just too hard to resist. Starting to head back the familiar path back home, Dan mulled over what to tell his parents and how he’d communicate this mess to them. He tried to figure out a horsey sign language. But, then, thinking, he remembered that unicorns often possess a mental communicat

6:139 Sleep by FluffyPony
Nightfall was slowly creeping, and he was right to be afraid. By the time Danny/Night Rider had rested and flown his way in a steady pattern at least five times, looking down had rewarded him with an intimidating view. It wasn't the ever increasing heights that terrified him, but the strange la

2:988 Space, The Final Frontier by kelingking2
The last time you checked, there is only one moon when the night sky is out. Now, you’re looking at three moons and it’s not even night time. Is this really Earth? Or have you been… abducted by aliens and becoming their experimental subject, that’s why your body changed with a mere costume?

6:136 No Way! Have to Go Somewhere Else! by Picklessauce69
As much as he’d love to help some little girl, he’d to get her hopes up just to see it all get dashed when it didn’t work. Plus, he had a mission to figure this out for himself already. He gave a slow shake of his long snout, side to side. For a moment, the girl just stared, but then she nodd