2:1043 Introductions by Demonicor666
The sun was beginning to set, casting shadows over the plains and hills. Strange bird sounds echoed across the horizon, their calls reaching miles away from their locations.
Your legs were growing tired, and the small weight behind your rear was starting to bug you, to the point which yo
6:230 To the shops by catprog
Before he know it, Daniel is being driven to the mall.
"I don't know why you are so worried. " says Pammy " You will feel much better once we are done"
"What do you remember about the last few days?" asks Daniel.
"Well this
1:1112 Scales by Elliott-Moose
The genie raises his cobalt-hued arms, muscles bulging as he chants in a language you don’t recognize, although it hurts your ears to hear it. Then, he ends with a flourish, and nothing happens. You’re ready to laugh at him – and then you realize your mouth won’t open.
“You sho
6:229 Shopping? by catprog
"Anway, to make it up to you" starts Pammy "You and me are going shopping right now."
"But what about the others?" Daniel asks.
"The guys? I sure they have plans of their own, we don't want to get in their way. Anyway don't think I
6:228 Back to reality by catprog
The room fades returning back to the normal hallway. Daniel stands their in shock as just how quickly the operation was and that it had happened again.
Pammy sticks her head out the door. "Are you ok Daniele? We are sorry for for how we acted earlier. I can take you clothes shopping
6:171 The onlookers get brave. by Arbon
Daniel felt as if she needed the rest, having flown for who knows how many miles only to take a short nap and then run yet further on foot. Her legs were tired but not outright exhausted. She could keep walking or manage to run a few more miles before they felt the strain. Her wings meanwhile were o
6:227 The echo returns by catprog
As he leaves the room the echo starts again, "Daniel is now a female. Time to make her more female."
He opens his mouth to complain and only the lion's roar comes out.
"And the voice is gone again."
The light flashes and the surgical room
6:226 They don't rember by catprog
"What do you mean?" says Pammy "Yes your body is mostly male but you have always been female Daniele ."
"Danielle? " Daniel asks. "My name is Daniel" he says getting out his id to show them, but to his shock his name has changed their.
6:224 Towards the Light by catprog
With the light at least offering a destination the group heads towards it. The chatting about the situations quickly descends into silence.
The light is soon replaced by the flickering of fluorescent tubes. Daniel finds himself in an empty room, no trace of his friends. "Where are y
6:183 Chimera Jockey. by Ashley-natter
You are something else entirely: you are a Chimera Jockey. Using powerful spells you control one arcane abomination, a creature altered through the use of barely understood magic.
Most players like to use the big dragons or even eldritch unicorns, but you have found your place with the g
6:200 Through the Fence by lulu-illussions
Pammy and David headed straight to the fence, as if they already were there before and knew exactly where to go. The others followed them, until they reached a small gap in the fence. The gap wasn´t very big, so Daniel overlooked it at the first sight, but it was large enough for an adult to crawl
6:170 Find a place to rest. by Arbon
“Off! Off meeeee!” Angel whined under the soft and gentle paw of a much too large feline. The claws retracted and almost no weight pushing down, yet the padded foot was so heavy and the muscles holding it in place were overwhelmingly strong. Watching the thin spindly arms of a pink monkey trying
6:199 At the base by lulu-illussions
Jake drove slowly. No one talked in the van, not even Daniel who kept looking from one silent friend to another. He couldn´t handle such anxious silence, but after a few vain attempts to start a conversation, he had to give up.
The obnoxious silence continued until they reached the mil
6:169 Keth Joins in the fun. by Arbon
“Won’t you have problems actually getting customers if you riddle at anyone who needs a ride?” The boy and Charley had seemingly snuck around the two girls while they were playing, the truck set up behind them and they boldly, fearlessly approached what had to look like a girl and her giant pe
6:198 Let by lulu-illussions
“Fine then. Let´s do it.” Daniel wasn´t sure if it was a good idea, but he felt that something needed to be done. Maybe at the complex, he would find out the reason of his dreams and also the reason why his best friends acted so strangely. Pammy was right. He needed to know what was going on.
6:182 The Juggernaut by Ashley-natter
You can understand him. The Juggernaut was a powerful new weapon the demonic parasites had unveiled recently. A giant war machine seemed built from parts of battleships, and with enough firepower to level a small town in seconds.The thing was equipped with nuclear artillery, flak cannons, homing mis
6:168 Lakeside Arival. by Arbon
The girl and her lioness were both pleased to see there was no repeat of rude drivers forcing them into the air, or at least Daniel was happy about this while Angel kept wanting to urge her into another flight with more spins and loops. As if to contrast the previous awkwardness now they kept notici
6:197 Dreams by lulu-illussions
“Okay…” he obeyed and sat at the empty place in the circle. “What now? Will you tell me what´s going on? You said that you had the same dreams-”
“Those weren´t just dreams,” Gassan interrupted him. “You know that, don´t you?”
6:181 Talk by Ashley-natter
You pull up your friends list. David, Pammy and Jake were already logged in. You quickly switch on your microphone and join on their private voice-chat line.
“You still won’t admit I’m right?” David was shouting as you logged in.
“I told you, your argument proves no
6:167 Daniel leaps! by Arbon
The hind legs braced into the front, coiled in preparation. Noise, zipping cars on the left and leaves on branches reaching out to snag from the right. Wings spread, the paws lift off the ground, and with the hurricane force gale she’s taken to the air and glides her way forward. Another flap, the