6:254 The internet by skiesofsilver
For hours he searched the ‘Net on anything related to Area 50. There wasn’t much because, again, the place itself was rather uninteresting. There were a few new stories on it sure, but those were all about some vagabonds that had made the place their home before leaving after a particularly egre
2:1053 Stay and play it safe: by Pandachannnnn
You’re not sure if staying is the best idea, but you know for sure jumping down and trying to run in your state isn’t going to work. You try and make yourself comfortable, pulling some leaves off of one of the nearby branches and putting them under you as you sit down. Luckily there are a few sm
1:1146 Moving on by Picklessauce69
Eventually, monsters like the bulette had become commonplace. Spear crafting had gotten easier and much sophisticated. "Practice makes perfect..." you muttered to yourself, slumping onto a tree stump, using it as a stool. No longer was every day a race. The entire tribe had exhausted the r
1:1134 The Next Day by ShatteredBeginnings
When your mate returns the next day all of you eat from the meat he has brought back. The kits are curious about this new source of food and while they might continue to nurse as well for a while this will gradually take over as the main part of their diet.
The kits were probably a bit m
6:222 Flee to the skies by Arbon
A paw slams down toward Keth, the sphinx growling out. “Climb on, we’re getting out of here.”
But the terrified human didn’t seem entirely adept at taking hints. Slimping down to his knees at the base of the tree, the other soldier just next to him takes this opportunity to unlo
6:195 Several months later by Ashley-natter
Jake whined as you lift your head, holding another broken feather in your beak. “Quit struggling! It’s harder if you don’t hold still!”
“You said you’d be gentler this time! I don’t think that last one was ready to come out yet!”
“Sorry!” You touch your he
6:212 Panic by lulu-illussions
What? he tried to say, but only a weird chirping sound came out. Shaking his head, Daniel crawled towards the bathroom. The door was luckily open and he managed to reach the mirror with only some difficulties. He had to sit up and lean his paws on the sink to look into the mirror and what he saw alm
6:300 Consquences by monochromecheshire
“Don’t..don’t touch me.” Daniel growled out, weakly straightening himself up and flinching away from Gassan. His head pounded mercilessly; perhaps a result from the onslaught of memories that had so abruptly come to mind. It was as though it was a strain just to take everything in, without s
6:275 Split Up by Stella Purple
Last week had been the last time ‘they’ had visited Daniel, and ever since then, strange things began to happen. Daniel had been seeing things, and exploring through this kind of place was not helping him handling things any better.
They had decided to split up, in order to cover the
6:274 Watching the practice by FluffyPony
He had to sit down a moment to take it all in,mostly because a primitive human mind couldn't fathom thinking about war from the air without some kind of specialized training or experience. Fighter pilots didn't start out as experts in their craft given that their battlefield was not exactl
6:267 "What do you mean?" by Catprog
"What do you mean? How should I be acting? I am supposed to just accept this?"
The voice continues "You were not meant to be able to fight it. We will just have to use some drastic measures."
Danielle gulps "What does that mean?"
3:384 Avoid the traps at the front door by feder
You hold the map in your hand as you survey the mansion. It’s a gracefully intimidating building, with arched roofs and brick walls turned gray-black by time and the weather. Your sneakers squeak on the cobblestone path leading up to the aged iron gate, all the time telling yourself that this woul
6:264 The Truth by Serathin
About an hour later the two dragons sat outside a diner that was running a special during the festival, Daniel slurping noodles noisily as he got used to eating like a dragon. There were no chairs and the tables were specifically lowered to accommodate when they sat on their haunches. Throughout the
6:253 A sick day by skiesofsilver
“Daniel!” his mother called. “Danny, get up!”
Daniel awoke and found himself as foxy as he had hours before. He sighed and hugged his covers close to himself.
“Daniel!” his mother called again, opening the door. “This is the second day in the row! You’d better
2:1052 Stay Where you Are by Pandachannnnn
You’re afraid that they might be able to see you, but you would much rather take that chance than risk jumping to the next branch and falling. Hearing them approaching, you press farther back into the bark of the tree behind you. You don’t feel too much of the texture of the tree, since your thi
1:1145 New monsters by Picklessauce69
"Help! Help!" Fierce, yelping cries echoed through camp suddenly, breaking the comfort of the sleeping party. Everyone broke into motion at the same moment, the oversized hybrids tangling each other in the fit to escape through the single doorway.
One by one, they burst into th
1:1133 Something Doesn by ShatteredBeginnings
A soft snort comes from you when you scent something else on the wind. Immediately you get to your paws, urging first your daughter and then your son back into the den. The kits are bewildered, not sure what is going on, but do as you motion for them to do. Then you sit outside the opening to the de
6:221 Daniel Takes charge and roars. by Arbon
She was in control, and she knew it. She was powerful, she was large, and even tired and full she had the regal splendor one associates with the mythic and mystical. Watching Keth and Angel pull away from their two baffled assailants and the angry swearing die down, Daniel turns her attention to th
6:194 To the air by Ashley-natter
You throw yourself to the air, stroking your wings with full force as he keeps unleashing thunder and fire to scare the creatures away. You dodge the fire with grace and bank tightly to avoid the lightning. The smell of burning feathers fill your nose, but you can’t stop now.
He conjur
6:211 Morning by lulu-illussions
Daniel sat up on his bed, gripping the bed sheets so hard that they tore. His heart was racing and for a moment, he was totally disoriented. He tried to jump up and run, but he got tangled into the covers and fell out of the bed instead.
Confused, Daniel looked a