Eric, just your Average Joe. by vanillametal
   Through the nearby jungle by vanillametal
      Have a drink. by vanillametal
         Something happens. by vanillametal
            It doesn by vanillametal
               The Average Joe becomes an Average Jane by vanillametal
                  Seeing The Truth by vanillametal
                     What now? by vanillametal
                        Search for food. by vanillametal
                           Strange reunion by vanillametal
                              Explain yourself by vanillametal
                                 To find the others by vanillametal
                                    Head to the lake by vanillametal
                                       The next day by vanillametal
                                          The search for your companions by vanillametal
                                             Look up by vanillametal
                                                Getting nowhere with this by vanillametal
                                                   Possible escape? by vanillametal
                                                      Touch the medallion, find your freedom! by vanillametal
                                                      Stay here. You can by vanillametal