"Oh yeah? I can track you by sound." by Catprog
   Back to Normal? by catprog
      To the Vet by catprog
         A normal Vet by Catprog
            A clue? by catprog
               Back home by catprog
                  Back to Area 50 by catprog
                     Answers? by catprog
                        Put the collar on by catprog
                           Go Home by catprog
                              The next Morning by catprog
                                 Real Life Appearance by catprog
                                     Drink the milk by catprog
                                    Refuse the milk by catprog
                        Reject the Collar by catprog
                           Paws by catprog
                              What makes a human by catprog
                                 Fight it by Catprog
                                    Go Home by catprog
                                       Back home by catprog
                                          In the morning by catprog
                                             Pammy Returns by catprog
                                                Follow her out by catprog
                                                   Get on the bed by catprog