The Inner Garden by Mr.Peaches
Wacky Skirting Adventure by Mr.Peaches
Pchew, pchew... by Mr.Peaches
Onward by minerva
Money, money, money by minerva
Continue down the passage by catprog
one to the right by catprog
going down? by catprog
One to the left by catprog
00001 by catprog
Maybe you shouldn't have picked that by Draiko
Feeling stronger? Bigger? You should by Sock
Secret Entrance by catprog
Throught the Skylight by -
Kangaroo by -
The Hallway. by Mr.Peaches
Now I'm in the Closet Too-hoo... by Mr.Peaches
I Could Talk to You All Night... by Mr.Peaches
Sphinx dreams by -
Female? by -
Ninja Vanish! by Lifeforce
Hey, it's a cliche but if it works... by underdrag
My Pants... They are Aflame by Mr.Peaches
Just Take a Look, It's in a Book... by Mr.Peaches
the trues and fakes by kylr23
The Records Room by Zodiac
Through the corridors by Zodiac
Wind by Zodiac
Ninja Vanish by minerva
What?! by minerva
Water by Zodiac
To Drink, Perchance to Dream by Zodiac
Waking Up by Zodiac
From the Shadows by Zodiac
Cause a Distraction in the stables by catprog
Pegasus by catprog
Unicorn by catprog
Over the Roof by
Fox Path by
Female statue by
Contiune by
Continue down the Path by
Foxy Friend by
Annoyed at female by
Horse Path by catprog
Fish Path by catprog
You Start With A Plan by SketchySeraph
His Dream Girl by SketchySeraph
The Rafters by SketchySeraph
Stick to the Plan and Sneak by SketchySeraph
Go Inside the Room by SketchySeraph
Pray to a spirit for guidance. by The Futa Guy
Decline Kasumi’s offer. by The Futa Guy
Accept Kasumi's offer. by The Futa Guy
Older woman by The Futa Guy
Turn right by The Futa Guy
Take his offer. by The Futa Guy
Confront the threat. by The Futa Guy
Leave for Sensei’s House by The Futa Guy
Upwards towards the Mountains by The Futa Guy
The white elm by The Futa Guy
Backdoor by The Futa Guy
Younger woman by The Futa Guy
Drag Kubo into the room with you by The Futa Guy
Select “E” by The Futa Guy
Left door by The Futa Guy
Compass by The Futa Guy
Follow the compass by The Futa Guy
Kasumi takes the wind amulet. by The Futa Guy
You take the blade of Orochi by The Futa Guy